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  1. Make Openbox available again in next Knoppix and other suggestions (1 replies)
  2. Suggestion to make iso modular boot (0 replies)
  3. new Knoppix version optimized for distant learning? (4 replies)
  4. 1 year without a new Knoppix in servers... (0 replies)
  5. An Open Letter to Klaus Knopper, because he Can! (0 replies)
  6. Knoppix CD again (3 replies)
  7. Easy Knoppix Customiser (0 replies)
  8. systemd artifacts in Knoppix 7.7.0 (0 replies)
  9. What's UpDock? (0 replies)
  10. Flash_Boot_Only_iso? A Possible Suggestions to Mr KNOPPER ? (19 replies)
  11. Ability to compile mame (13 replies)
  12. A built-in wifi scanning command you can add to Knoppix (4 replies)
  13. http or https (1 replies)
  14. Selecting language with non-latin alphabet should enable keyboard layout switching (0 replies)
  15. Updates (14 replies)
  16. Some Knoppix app updates you might have missed (2 replies)
  17. Adriane, MUTT, delete lavabit.com set up selection (0 replies)
  18. most important feature Knoppix should have, is a partition QUOTA by default (1 replies)
  19. Wanted: Bash program idea, or application suggestion (3 replies)
  20. Compiz (3 replies)
  21. Using Overlay Updates in Knoppix 7.2 LiveUSBs (2 replies)
  22. my comment on Knoppix 7.2 (0 replies)
  23. Chromium in CD 7.0.5? Where? (3 replies)
  24. A USB KNoppix that can handle a 10GB+ Android sorce code download. (11 replies)
  25. Using a Read-Only Persistence Capability in Knoppix LiveUSBs (23 replies)
  26. Browser Wars (4 replies)
  27. Firefox 19 (0 replies)
  28. Thinking about Knoppix 7.1 (0 replies)
  29. Enlightenment in Knoppix? (Possible stepping stone to mobile Knoppix) (2 replies)
  30. Fixing a corrupted iso (0 replies)
  31. Trying out a new upload file format choice, *.tar.gz (2 replies)
  32. The perfect Knoppix 7.0.5 (2 replies)
  33. User friendly Firewall (6 replies)
  34. Include Fake Flash detector F3 to knoppix? (2 replies)
  35. Raspberry Pi and Knoppix (1 replies)
  36. Hypothetical Question (2 replies)
  37. Update the init script for multiple nics? (2 replies)
  38. IceWeasel freezes & What to do about it (1 replies)
  39. Why Icyweasel ? (6 replies)
  40. The Knoppix 6.7.1 virtual keyboard challenge. (4 replies)
  41. Disaster prevention. (6 replies)
  42. knoppix-data.aes to knoppix-data.img and vice versa... (3 replies)
  43. DVD and CD (1 replies)
  44. close port ipp/631 and no startup sound effects please (1 replies)
  45. IceWeasel scrolling lag or download stalling (0 replies)
  46. Pipelining Knoppix's IceWeasel: a good idea, or not? (5 replies)
  47. Get rid of WODIM, original cdrecord is a LOT better ! (0 replies)
  48. Daylight savings time (7 replies)
  49. Browser Default Off-line Cache Limit Setting (0 replies)
  50. Hidden gems in 6.7.1 (1 replies)
  51. Possible inclusion of a excellent backup tool - DAR (Disk ARchive) (0 replies)
  52. It's time for an LXDE upgrade (3 replies)
  53. An easy way to roll your own Knoppix derivative (2 replies)
  54. Knoppix on Android phones? Ubuntu is there already.. (3 replies)
  55. Carrying Full Windows PC inside USB Flash Disk Via Knoppix NEED A LITTLE HELP (5 replies)
  56. Whatever became of .bashrc and syslog, anyway? (0 replies)
  57. Applications I miss in Knoppix 6.4.3: joe, gdisk (6 replies)
  58. Ideas from the Debian Forum (2 replies)
  59. A Menu Editor for LXDE; really? (3 replies)
  60. Some thoughts on the 'fromhd' cheatcode (3 replies)
  61. Remaster Tutorial for Knoppix on USB (2 replies)
  62. Make better use of your Log File Viewer (0 replies)
  63. I'd Like a Flashy Applet (7 replies)
  64. Create ~/.xsessionrc for quick session changes (3 replies)
  65. Clean unnecessary localization to save space (8 replies)
  66. 6.2.1 .xsession-errors (38 replies)
  67. Squashfs-ed knoppix (40 replies)
  68. A sanity check for 'persistent store' on Knoppix from Flash (8 replies)
  69. Keeping User GUI Shock Level Reasonable With Upgrades.. (0 replies)
  70. Basic help for beginners (14 replies)
  71. Some basic networking tools have been lost: telnet and dig (1 replies)
  72. webcamsimulator (0 replies)
  73. kernel picks the modules (0 replies)
  74. suggestions for inclusion (3 replies)
  75. make .debs click to install. (4 replies)
  76. better fonts out-of-the-box (0 replies)
  77. exfat support (0 replies)
  78. Better audio mixer wanted (3 replies)
  79. New cheat code (1 replies)
  80. Make the USB version not see the HDD (2 replies)
  81. Guest for FLOSS Weekly (Free Libre open source software) (0 replies)
  82. Root Button (0 replies)
  83. Build a documentation page for each new release, beta too (0 replies)
  84. blacklist old drivers (0 replies)
  85. Adriane mode in 6.0 preview (0 replies)
  86. HTOP in default install (1 replies)
  87. Make the 'Get Knoppix' page suck less (9 replies)
  88. cheatcodes in cd/DVD labels (11 replies)
  89. Updates from Java (0 replies)
  90. Swap onto compressed ram (0 replies)
  91. Remote Access Live CD (0 replies)
  92. Shared repository for useful persistent disk images (2 replies)
  93. konsole backward predictive typing (5 replies)
  94. Terminal Console Coloring & Some Other Comments (4 replies)
  95. Broadcom firmware - bcm43xx - autofind (0 replies)
  96. Include packages.txt on the CD/DVD? (3 replies)
  97. Knoppix Torrent? (3 replies)
  98. Contributing to KNOPPIX? (1 replies)
  99. Knoppix should come with noiz2sa! (0 replies)
  100. Utility for increasing size of Knoppix persistent disk image (3 replies)
  101. Add UTF-8 support to LaTeX (0 replies)
  102. knoppix for electrical engeneers (2 replies)
  103. Remote homedir (1 replies)
  104. phpbb suggestion (0 replies)
  105. And then Adam handed the bitten apple to Eve.... (0 replies)
  106. Too many times, Too many times (3 replies)
  107. need direct link to the "forum" index page from kn (0 replies)
  108. Suggestion for Customizations w/o Remastering (1 replies)
  109. Suggesting new software/programs to be included in knoppix (7 replies)
  110. Mutiple Versions (1 replies)
  111. kile (LaTeX Editor) (1 replies)
  112. make 32+ loop devices by default - I often run out! (1 replies)
  113. Boot Options (0 replies)
  114. iSCSI support (0 replies)
  115. GLX and not AIGLX (0 replies)
  116. Could you include Nvu in future releases? (0 replies)
  117. "irongeek4me&u" (do-d-do) (0 replies)
  118. Wireless Networks in Knoppix (0 replies)
  119. Please put Ethereal back in the distribution (1 replies)
  120. Language Barrier German VS English (0 replies)
  121. integration of package bcm43xx-fwcutter in next knx version? (2 replies)
  122. Modularity and experiment w/ minirt.gz/linuxrc (0 replies)
  123. VMWare player in Knoppix (4 replies)
  124. Boot CD for USB key (1 replies)
  125. [PATCH] cloop: Add suspend feature (2 replies)
  126. Backup/Restore to DVD from Knoppix? (1 replies)
  127. Default to OK rather than CANCEL for persistant image (0 replies)
  128. boot from image (0 replies)
  129. Install Knoppix on external Hard drive (eSata) (0 replies)
  130. Trusted HTTP-FUSE KNOPPIX (2 replies)
  131. Menu and Dialog Fonts for GTK Applications (6 replies)
  132. Ubuntu install through Knoppix (2 replies)
  133. Start menus are a complete chaos (5 replies)
  134. Selecting keyboard layout before the first prompt. (5 replies)
  135. Changing persistent home size, while preserving old data. (0 replies)
  136. Automatic Keyboard Layout (2 replies)
  137. Eclipse.org (1 replies)
  138. Make "myconf=scan" default (4 replies)
  139. make persistent home look for knoppix version: knoppix5.img (0 replies)
  140. Knoppix_remoteconf (0 replies)
  141. I'd like to see the return of the dev libs and kernel source (0 replies)
  142. modules (4 replies)
  143. fixed hardware profile (3 replies)
  144. Bootdisc (0 replies)
  145. Eliminate saved config/persistent home conflict (0 replies)
  146. shadow of the LiveDVD on the LiveCD (6 replies)
  147. CD boot time of KNOPPIX shortens by "LCAT" (3 replies)
  148. .iso build program to build Knoppix w/ prefered features (0 replies)
  149. Sources for Motorola Wifi devices/drivers released---- (0 replies)
  150. sshfs for remote mounts (0 replies)
  151. USB Flash Drive (3 replies)
  152. knoppix.sh autoscan or something better! (3 replies)
  153. Mutiple Logins in Knoppix (0 replies)
  154. a remaster guide to just change default cheatcodes (0 replies)
  155. a tv record/capture program that is easy to setup/configure (2 replies)
  156. possible windows-side utility: knoppix iso copy (1 replies)
  157. Possible Knoppix Cheatcodes - enc and essid (1 replies)
  158. Add support for the zd1211 wireless chipset (0 replies)
  159. Can I create copresed and encrypted fs? (0 replies)
  160. Knoppix possibility (3 replies)
  161. Java update please! (0 replies)
  162. Laptop network/wireless support improvement (0 replies)
  163. Remastering KNOPPIX... (2 replies)
  164. knoppix need 2 include on cd or dvd the last kernel source.. (3 replies)
  165. some programs to possibly add (5 replies)
  166. Needs smarter hard drive detection on boot (0 replies)
  167. [ANNOUNCE] deb installed:/UNIONFS/ ./ - apt-method-installed (1 replies)
  168. External CD-writer functionality (2 replies)
  169. Request/Suggestion : AutoScan : A utility for network explor (0 replies)
  170. HTTP-FUSE Xenoppix (0 replies)
  171. Tomcat server (0 replies)
  172. Hey, Knoppix needs a DVD authoring program on it (0 replies)
  173. Settings/Bookmark retention (3 replies)
  174. Please allow widescreen resolution, like 1920x1200, from DVD (2 replies)
  175. Save system configuration to usb memory key... (0 replies)
  176. Only 2 little requests (1 replies)
  177. KNOPPIX/Math 20051115 (1 replies)
  178. Auto Load in RAM (11 replies)
  179. Include a Small Utility called Synergy (0 replies)
  180. Add Gwenview ditch the rest (1 replies)
  181. please make logout menu image customizable ! (0 replies)
  182. please Integrate the free macromedia flash/shockwave player (1 replies)
  183. Supertux!! ON CD!!! (2 replies)
  184. Including Firestarter Firewall in future releases (0 replies)
  185. cloop sucks, squashfs rocks (5 replies)
  186. Looking Glass (LG3D) Installer on KNOPPIX 4.0.2 UNIONFS (7 replies)
  187. SIP PROXY FUNCTIONALITY (1 replies)
  188. ipw2200 drivers (0 replies)
  189. Knoppix TS - option to use PXE stack instead (1 replies)
  191. Easy Reboot if Monitor is not displaying anything (1 replies)
  192. An useful new kernel feature? (0 replies)
  193. Proposal for inclusion - DidiWiki (0 replies)
  194. Include Mplayer in knoppix (1 replies)
  195. Suggestion 4 an "optical" improvement (0 replies)
  196. Please put 'mmv' and 'ddrescue' on the next DVD & the CD (0 replies)
  197. Netdisco + Knoppix (0 replies)
  198. kdirstat (1 replies)
  199. FVWM on the DVD... (0 replies)
  200. Proposal for inclusion (0 replies)
  201. A Radical Proposal (5 replies)
  202. Wireless Networking (0 replies)
  203. epkowa drivers and reiser4 tools (0 replies)
  204. Limewire, Azureus, USB multi card reader support (2 replies)
  205. Open Watcom C/C++ (1 replies)
  206. Xorg 6.8 and cheatcode for composite extension (0 replies)
  207. REQ: Opera 8.50 (now ads-free!) (3 replies)
  208. include java version 5.0 (tiger) in future releases (1 replies)
  209. How to make Knoppix 3.9 crash (4 replies)
  210. 3d Mode Video Card ATI (3 replies)
  211. HTTP-FUSE(5MB) CD-ROM enables to use contents of DVD-KNOPPIX (0 replies)
  212. Knoppix download & Jigdo (2 replies)
  213. keep "configs.tbz + knoppix.sh" on the CD! (1 replies)
  214. FUSE (1 replies)
  215. Peristant UnionFS? (9 replies)
  216. how about an ATAOE (ATA over ethernet) knoppix? (0 replies)
  217. Please get rid of ub support in knoppix kernel (3 replies)
  218. Problem fdisk on a working station (4 replies)
  219. Why is Knoppix so goddamn ugly. (7 replies)
  220. REQUEST: cinellera! that would be so cool for DVD <eom (0 replies)
  221. Modem Configuration (2 replies)
  222. REQUEST: please update syslinux! (3 replies)
  223. Could the Knoppix project use any custom made graphics? (0 replies)
  224. Knaked Knoppix (5 replies)
  225. Unique Hostname (23 replies)
  226. REQUEST: povray! (2 replies)
  227. installing knoppix (5 replies)
  228. Scaled-down Knoppix for rescue? (2 replies)
  229. Include drbd kernel module (less than 400k) (0 replies)
  230. Subversion (2 replies)
  231. WindRiver (0 replies)
  232. More Themes for [url]www.knoppix.net[/url] (2 replies)
  233. Use of diskless systems as number-crunching drone machines (3 replies)
  234. Acrobat Reader 7.0 (5 replies)
  235. KNOPPIX and KANOTIX: why not merge? (3 replies)
  236. Broadband KNOPPIX on CD (1 replies)
  237. Ok then...something else about Flash 7... (0 replies)
  238. Uh...Macromedia Flash 7 support would be nice. (1 replies)
  239. Add English-GB as a default locale/language?? (1 replies)
  240. nlite style custom "CD maker" (0 replies)
  241. FIX Terminal Server when Knoppix installed to HD. (0 replies)
  242. VPN / PPTP (1 replies)
  243. SUPER idea - Truly mobile OS on CD - Modifiable LiveCD (12 replies)
  244. Configuring keyboard layout using geoip (0 replies)
  245. DAU Knoppix (2 replies)
  246. Knoppix on a USB Stick (4 replies)
  247. Should be choice between ramdisk and HD for Kn3.8 UnionFS (0 replies)
  248. dangerous toys olny for root (2 replies)
  249. Screen/pixel checker (2 replies)
  250. Status on overlay filesystem? (1 replies)