View Full Version : Looking for CDROM in /dev/scd0

05-07-2004, 04:18 PM
knopppix 3.4 booting with noscsi nopcmcia
I get the following:

Enabling DMA acceleration for: hda [WD ...]
Enabling DMA acceleration for: hdc [SAMSUNG ...]
Looking for CDROM in: /dev/scd0

then it keeps spinging the CDROM drive and nothing happens.
It's on a Dell Optiplex GX150. 3.1 auto boot had no problem at all.
Can anyone help?

05-07-2004, 11:11 PM
Hi !

I have been using 3.3 without any problem. 3.4 seems to hang while searching for the CD drive :

Looking for CDROM in: /dev/scd0
The CD drive spins for a while and then the seach scan for hda, hdb then hangs.

I tried on my other pc and I was able to boot ok.

If someone has a clue of how to make it work, I will give it a try !

05-08-2004, 03:40 AM
I am also having a problem, booting with "linux26 noscsi nodma" it hangs on the line:

Accessing KNOPPIX CDROM on /dev/scd0

but if I switch to the 2.4.236 kernerl with "linux24 noscsi nodma" it boots fine..

What the heck is going on here?! :roll:

05-12-2004, 06:20 AM
tanks i see if i can make 2.6 work

05-12-2004, 07:46 AM
me too. i have a dell optiplex and knoppix 3.3 (and 3.2) booted fine without any intervention from me. i download 3.4 (and checked/verified md5) but both the May 4th 2004 and May 10th 2004 releases hang on "looking for CDROM" dev/scd0...I eventually had to use failsafe to boot into KDE.

does anyone have any idea? let me know if you need more info from me. TIA.

05-20-2004, 03:38 AM
just throwing in another "me too"
I'm using a Dell Latitude.

05-20-2004, 03:41 AM
just throwing in another "me too"
I'm using a Dell Latitude.

knoppix nodma

at the boot prompt worked for me

05-23-2004, 01:41 AM
i have this problem also..

it assigns my cdrom to /dev/hda and my hd to /dev/hdd

but then it scans /dev/scd0 for the knoppix cd..?!

of course it's not there, since the cd is located at /dev/hda. it then spits out the "cannot find knoppix file system"..

how do i fix this??

05-25-2004, 02:08 PM
knopppix 3.4 booting with noscsi nopcmcia
I get the following:

Enabling DMA acceleration for: hda [WD ...]
Enabling DMA acceleration for: hdc [SAMSUNG ...]
Looking for CDROM in: /dev/scd0

then it keeps spinging the CDROM drive and nothing happens.
It's on a Dell Optiplex GX150. 3.1 auto boot had no problem at all.
Can anyone help?

I noticed you have a SAMSUNG cd drive. Maybe this is the root of our problem because I have one too and I get the same thing. :(

05-25-2004, 02:19 PM
just throwing in another "me too"
I'm using a Dell Latitude.

knoppix nodma

at the boot prompt worked for me

This also worked for me. :)

06-08-2004, 10:17 AM
I am working on a friend's DELL Latitude CPx J650GT (BIOS Version A08)

I also get:

Scanning for USB/Firewire devices... Done.
Enabling DMA acceleration for: hda [FUJITSU MHK2120AT]
Enabling DMA acceleration for: hdc [SAMSUNG CD-ROM SN-124]
Looking for CDROM in: /dev/scd0 <blink>_</blink>

And then just a flashing cursor.

One time I did something (I don't know what I pressed!) and it moved on to hdc, but it still didn't find the CDROM.

When I boot using failsafe it mounts the CDROM fine from hdc

I don't know whether it's the Samsung CDROM that's having the DMA problem, or just the way the DELL BIOS handles it.

If I boot with:

knoppix26 nodma

It gets through OK, but then it also hangs right after:

Starting advanced power management daemon: apmd[PID]: apmd 3.2.1 interfacing with apm driver 1.16ac and APM BIOS 1.2 apmd.
APM Bios found, power management functions enabled.

It then won't switch off unless I disconnect the power.

It seems that this is where it's doing the PCMCIA detection, which is a bit naughty, because it hasn't yet put anything on screen to warn you it's probing for PCMCIA at this stage.

I tried to boot with:

knoppix26 nodma nopcmcia

(& the other options I need) - this works perfectly! :o)

I hope this helps someone!

John Harrison (http://www.aotea.org/john/)

06-09-2004, 07:08 PM
just throwing in another "me too"
I'm using a Dell Latitude.

knoppix nodma

at the boot prompt worked for me

This also worked for me. :)

I have a Dell Optiplex GX110 PIII 733 MHz, Lite-On LTN483S cdrom and google research tells me an Intel 810e chipset.

Knoppix 3.2 booted without any problems, 3.4 complains that it cannot find the knoppix file system after looking for CDROM in: /dev/scd0.

knoppix nodma - allows me to boot successfully.

06-14-2004, 09:40 PM
I have the same problem. I have two hard drives in hde and hdg. My CD (tried with two different LiteON DVD burners) is in /dev/hda. 'failsafe' works, as does 'knoppix nodma', but 'knoppix26 nodma' does not. I also tried 'knoppix expert' and didn't select any SCSI drivers, but it didn't work.

I had the same problem with Slax, but the newest version fixed that. My guess is that this is related to having the CD-ROM at an unusual location (/dev/hda).

06-15-2004, 10:26 AM
I had this problem and solved it by using

knoppix atapicd

06-17-2004, 11:47 AM
yip me too,tried 2 different cdrom drives no joy,i could only get it working in fail safe mode (

, tried several commands it all leads back to the hanging

Looking for cdrom /dev/dcd0
Looking for cdrom
and then hangs, so now that we know the problem were's the answer
a suggestion was atapicd,havnt tried it yet,but are computers ever that simple.