View Full Version : Knoppix invalid compressed format (err=2)

03-03-2003, 08:20 PM
Im using Knoppix v3.1-2003-01-20.

I tried booting it on my brother's pc without success just by pressing "enter" (standart options). I got a Black screen

Then i did no pcmcia, usb,agp,etc since his pc doesn't have any of it. Same result--->Black Screen

I tried "failsafe" , at least i got an error msg "invalid compressed format (err=2)"....."The cd might be damage" i thought so i tried it on my pc----> it "worked flawlessly"

Any ideas? I searched dejanews, other forums without results.

Thanks in advance for any support.

03-04-2003, 03:30 AM
Might be a marginal CD that can be read on your PC and not your brothers. Try burning another iso on a different PC and see if that makes any difference. Just a thought.

03-04-2003, 03:45 PM
I'll give it a try but i'll make the iso image from the current cd because i don't want to download 700mb again.

I'll post any news about the subject for further reference

03-04-2003, 07:00 PM
Final Conclusion: Error is caused by a mal functioning cd-rom (my brother's)

Why i reached that conclusion:

I booted several times with "failsafe", i got different results:
Knoppix invalid compressed format (err=1) (1 not 2)

It started booting but stopped after a little while, i got a "cd-rom bla bla bla error"

I sucessfully loaded KNOPPIX

How to solve it? Buy a new cd-rom.... :D