View Full Version : Need help installing executible in Knoppix Linux

03-03-2003, 11:45 PM
I'm trying to setup a Smart Boot Manager floppy so I can boot off the CD and not a floppy. My computer won't boot CDs because of BIOS limitations.

I got the DOS version written in w2k and it worked great but I can't figure out how to do it in Knoppix Linux. ./sbminst didn't do it in any command line I could enter it into. Whenever it asks for the root password, I tried to just hit enter or knoppix but no go.

Whats the exact syntax and console I should use to get it started?


03-04-2003, 12:45 AM
were you root?

also try
./smbinst --help
or -h

03-04-2003, 10:04 AM
were you root?

also try
./smbinst --help
or -h


I'm not root nor can I figure out how to log in as root or su in Knoppix. Password is required.

For my own edification exactly how (full paths/command lines) did you get it to work in Linux?

BTW I just tried to use the DOS generated SBM to boot your KDE3.1 and it errored out. But the 12-12-2002 Knoppix 3.1 did work. So I'll try reburning your ISO (version 2) and see if I can fanally see that suse framestyle boot everyone is talking about.

Either SBM floppy is the same as far as the computer is concerned. Just one is made in DOS and the other is made in Linux. Is this a correct assumption?

03-04-2003, 10:10 AM
were you root?

also try
./smbinst --help
or -h


I'm not root nor can I figure out how to log in as root or su in Knoppix. Password is required.

sudo su ?

Either SBM floppy is the same as far as the computer is concerned. Just one is made in DOS and the other is made in Linux. Is this a correct assumption?

03-04-2003, 12:41 PM
Now that I can boot to CDs, I went ahead and installed Debian/Libranet 2.0 on hda5. I'd have gone with Knoppix except now it can't mount the partition to install.

So far my main gripes are the supplied 2.4.18 kernel only detects one processor, I can't get a mouse pointer but only this square ugly shape. Worst of all, grub screwed up the w2k boot loader and only boots Linux. I have to get to w2k via SBM for now.

I'm thinking I'll repair the w2k bootloader and use that linux boot floppy to dink around in Libranet until I learn enough to install NIX better next time.

Knoppix can't mount any of hda because there's 2 extra zero sector partition lines listed in the fstab. It doesn't bother Libranet or w2k, only knoppix. Can these be edited out in GRUB or?

I'm looking forward to your next KDE3.1/Knoppix release edaz. Libranet has KDE2.2 LOL. apt-get KDE3.1 and fresh SMP capable kernel for starters.

Thanx for the help.