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View Full Version : Compiling tripwire on Knoppix

03-04-2003, 04:38 AM
I am trying to remaster Knoppix with the addition of tripwire (to be properly paranoid, tripwire should be run from locked media, right?), but after chroot-ing to my hard disk copy of Knoppix and trying to make tripwire, I get a complaint about pthread_mutex_lock being undefined.

When I tried this on Red Hat it worked and when I look in my Knoppix /usr/include/pthread.h I see the definition, but where is this supposed to be implemented? My error seems to be in a link step, but when I try figure out where this should come from I get all confused.

Anyone know what I am, er, tripping over?



03-04-2003, 04:49 AM
you could try apt-get install tripwire