View Full Version : Nessus-update-plugins

05-11-2004, 08:32 AM
Knoppix-std has the ability to update nessus plugins using the nessus-update-plugins scripts whilst running off the CD. On vanilla knoppix, it fails with the cannot create regular file, read only file system error.

Any chance of adding this capability to knoppix (or is there alternative way of doing it right now) ?


05-11-2004, 01:49 PM
I think I got this script from a post somewhere on this forum. You might want to do a search if you need more information about it.

if ! [ "$USER" = 'root' ]
echo "You must be root to run this script!!"
exit 1
echo "Removing symlink to nessus in etc directory"
rm -rf /etc/nessus
echo "(Re)creating nessus directories under ramdisk"
rm -rf /ramdisk/nessus
mkdir /ramdisk/nessus
mkdir /ramdisk/nessus/plugins
echo "creating symlink back to /etc/nessus"
ln -s /ramdisk/nessus /etc/nessus
echo "Moving all nessus files from CD to ramdisk"
cp /KNOPPIX/etc/nessus/* /ramdisk/nessus
echo "Updating location of plugins in nessusd.conf"
cat /ramdisk/nessus/nessusd.conf | grep -v "plugins_folder" > /ramdisk/scratch
mv -f /ramdisk/scratch /ramdisk/nessus/nessusd.conf
echo "plugins_folder = /ramdisk/nessus/plugins" >> /ramdisk/nessus/nessusd.conf
echo "updating plugins"
/usr/sbin/nessus-update-plugins -v

06-28-2004, 09:47 AM
In case it helps anyone else, I ran into this problem using the Security Tools Distribution (STD), which is based on knoppix. File locations had shifted enough that the above script would have taken some work (maybe I'll try to adapt it).

In my case, I was getting a lot of cp (copy) errors as files from:
had symbolic links to the cd (/KNOPPIX/???/nessus/plugins/* ).

To work around, since I don't recommend a scan with anything less than the latest plugins, I deleted /usr/lib/knoppix/plugins/* and it's subdirectory (.../plugins/.desc/*),
then re-ran nessus-update-plugins. Bingo.

Hope this helps.

06-28-2004, 07:06 PM
Knoppix already has a way to update Nessus.


08-31-2004, 02:18 AM
Knoppix already has a way to update Nessus.


Tried it under 3.6 and that does not work.

08-31-2004, 03:06 AM
Knoppix already has a way to update Nessus.


Tried it under 3.6 and that does not work.

I haven't tried this under 3.6, but did you do this as root?

08-31-2004, 03:27 AM
Knoppix already has a way to update Nessus.


Tried it under 3.6 and that does not work.

I haven't tried this under 3.6, but did you do this as root?

Yes, I ws logged in as root.