View Full Version : The Seventh CD!

03-04-2003, 08:32 PM
Hi, first time poster, long time reader.

I have remastered my knoppix cd version 2003-01-20 with kde 3.1.
Everything works fine except that when I copied all my personal settings into /KNOPPIX/home/knoppix
and /KNOPPIX/home/root and /etc/skel/ like I usually did in kde 3.0 to boot up with my personalized desktop, well when i boot up on this new cd, kpersonalizer keeps popping up asking for me to change the settings. And after I logged in, all the desktops icons, behaviors and settings just change back to default. Does anybody have any idea why and what i should do to correct this?
This is the seventh cd i'm remastering and still can't get it right, i'm very frustrated, would someone please help!
Thank you alot.

Robert Michel
03-06-2003, 01:28 PM

I haven't a solution, but 2 tipps for you:

Use CD-RWs or better for testing, use a hd-based Knoppix
for testing first:
