View Full Version : Load prolems on Compaq Presario 2140CA

05-12-2004, 10:40 PM
The disk will boot up until the screen where it tells you to press enter to start knoppix. Then the screen goes black and stays that way. ANy ideas why?

05-13-2004, 02:35 AM
Just to let you know it's knoppix 3.4 that I am using. Also when I went into failsafe mode knoppix did load but i'd like to be able to run it with all my hardware. Thanks

user unknown
05-13-2004, 03:26 AM
What graphic-card?

Did you search the hardware-forum?

05-13-2004, 06:29 PM
I have a ATI radion IGP 320M.

06-10-2004, 09:34 AM
I am having the same problem with a Compaq Presario 700US... it will boot in failsafe mode, however i cannot use my wireless network card (::cough wardriving cough::) under failsafe mode. Standard everything (S3 Twister Graphics Card, ?? Audio Card probably something cheapass knowin compaq... amd duron 1ghz.. )

06-14-2004, 04:00 AM
I get to the first part of the boot screen. then press enter and it goes to a black screen and from my experience its pretty much not working.

I know the older versions work fine othere then the acpi (fan gets louder I get worried and shut it down)

I have used linux now for 2 years and am now addicted having spent all the time I would normaly spend trying to figure out what went wrong with my windows (how to remove some stupid bug or keeping crap uptodate spyware and all the evils of a crappy unstable operating system.)
and used it to learn how to use linux
(sorry could not help it)
I sure miss linux.

I killed my last laptop and aquired this AMD 1500 (1200mzh) same as above reply video card...

why? some one plz make it work.. or at least make me feel better knowing its going to be fixed in new version.

this microsoft xp windows freeze up thing every once in a while suprising me is really pissing me off. was a calmer peacful person till I had to go back to hell (antivirus,popup no control, ms conspiricies violating my privacy. frig sasser was a virus that stoped MS from accessing through one of there conspiricy ports our passwords? the german guys a hero in my mind...

I understand now why the germans are so far ahead (nero) I also drive a vw and well they know what they are doing...

I wounder if its beyond the compaq world of laptops? is there a higer souce we can becon? want 3.4 lknoppix 061704 to load then let me install and ln -s my home partion so I can get back to normal.. ugh

In pain
Need help


06-15-2004, 01:52 PM
Maybe it is only the 3 of us in the compaq world ...

!@# help

06-18-2004, 06:24 PM
Maybe it is only the 3 of us in the compaq world ...

!@# helpNo ! I've got the same issue with a Compaq Presario 713EA ! No issue with Knoppix 3.3 but 3.4 won't start. :(

07-01-2004, 12:23 PM
Hi there I have a Compaq Presario x1096AP with an ATI Mobility Radeon 7500 graphics card and it works like a beauty!

What you could do is try to boot up with the cheatcode "knoppix screen=(whatever resolution ur using) vysnc=ur refresh rate"

07-08-2004, 09:59 PM
I have the same problem on my Presario SR1010NX.