View Full Version : Auto Log-in issues

05-13-2004, 01:49 PM
Hello all,

I downloaded the latest 3.4 release and did a hard drive install. Upon rebooting after the install, it automatically enters KDE with no option for logging in. I entered the Login Manager in KDE and "Enable auto-login" and "Enable password-less logins" are not checked. I'm not sure what to do from here.

Thanks for the help.

02-20-2005, 03:50 AM
sounds like you entered a single user mode in the hdd install
i was trying to get a user to auto-login and and....
in the (now-latest) 3.7
and after a sudo knoppix-installer

it's in
"K - Control Center"
"System Administration - Login Manager"
hit the 'Administrator Mode' button, and log in, then you can change it