View Full Version : No sound and no internet.

03-05-2003, 02:19 AM
I am a newbie to this and alot about computing so be aware of that with any answers. I start up the knoppix program of but it wont detect my sound, so there is no sound at all. I have a Dell 8250 Intel 2.4 512 megs rdr ram 1066. The soudcard is creative SB Live. I also dont seem to know how to get on the internet with knoppix. I use a wireless 802.11 adapter recieving from a microsoft base with cable access. So its pretty fast but everytime i try to click a link, it says cant connect . Any help ?


03-06-2003, 10:43 PM
When you boot the CD try this:

At the boot promt hit F2, this will bring up a menu of 'cheat codes'. The cheat codes are something that you can pass to the kernel in order to tell it what to do. Try the 'expert' mode (don't be afeared it won't hurt) and while it's booting it will let you interactively choose what you want to do.

just type expert at the prompt <enter>

When it says(pardon the incorrect syntax):

reconfigure sound card y/n? CHOOSE YES

Look at the card database and select yours. Hopefully that will get your sound working. It uses the RedHat sound configurator which is a pretty good one.

After you get it booted, open a terminal (if you booted to the KDE desktop click the screen with a shell on it from the task bar) and type this:

su <enter>
You should then be 'root'
type this:
netcardconfig <enter>

Hopefully this will get you fixed, if not post back.