View Full Version : damn locales!

05-15-2004, 01:40 PM
I have a problem with Knoppix 3.4 installed on HD.

After the last apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade the locales package start to break....

when i try to remove and reinstall it the iutput is:

apt-get install locales localeconf
configuring localeconf(0.9.4)
Gdk-WARNING ** : locale not supported by C library
debconf: unable to inizailize frontend: Kde
debconf: can't locate Qt.pm in @INC at /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/FrontEnd/Kde/Wizard.pm line 7

when I try to relaunch the connection Adsl manager (ADSL-Rpppoe) the Gdk-warning cames inside the configuration files!! And so now i'm able to use only the CD!

How can I resolve this problem?

Thank's in advance.


05-16-2004, 12:58 PM
that there's an error on this package.

It's necessary to put this in HOLD, waiting to a new release.

05-16-2004, 08:04 PM
changing the sources in apt sources.list and deleting the phisical pachage local* from the hd.

then I've downloaded the correct locales (or may be : the functional locales) anf all the GDK-WARNING disappears...

Now , I can't connect to the internet or well: I connect to the internet, but I can't navigate. Also pinging a site doesn't works! :shock:

05-17-2004, 05:21 PM
changing the sources in apt sources.list and deleting the phisical pachage local* from the hd.

then I've downloaded the correct locales (or may be : the functional locales) anf all the GDK-WARNING disappears...

Now , I can't connect to the internet or well: I connect to the internet, but I can't navigate. Also pinging a site doesn't works! :shock:

launching the command plog, there's this interessant output:

root@1[root]# plog
May 17 18:04:49 ainex pppd[4365]: not replacing default route to eth0 []
May 17 18:04:49 ainex pppd[4365]: Cannot determine ethernet address for proxy ARP
May 17 18:04:49 ainex pppd[4365]: local IP address
May 17 18:04:49 ainex pppd[4365]: remote IP address
May 17 18:04:49 ainex pppd[4365]: primary DNS address
May 17 18:04:49 ainex pppd[4365]: secondary DNS address
May 17 18:04:54 ainex pppd[4419]: pppd 2.4.2 started by root, uid 0
May 17 18:04:54 ainex pppd[4419]: Serial connection established.
May 17 18:04:54 ainex pppd[4419]: Using interface ppp1
May 17 18:04:54 ainex pppd[4419]: Connect: ppp1 <--> /dev/pts/2

how I eliminate this proxy?