View Full Version : A few necessities for my remaster idea..

05-16-2004, 04:26 PM
I am working on a remaster, and I have a really great idea, but I need to know if the following is possible:

1. Can I have Knoppix run a command when it is run from live-cd, then after it is installed have it run a different command, on boot that is, right after going into fluxbox, which i will use as my default wm.

2. How do I set fluxbox as my default wm?

3. The premade HDD install for knoppix still works with remasters right?

4. I saw a post about splash screens, and I think it was for 3.4, so I want to know if it will work with 3.3, since 3.4 is giving me a lot of troubles.
