View Full Version : I am alinux begginer - please help

05-17-2004, 09:48 PM
I've just got the new knoppix 3.4 because i was bored of windows xp and i wanted to try something new. I like it very much, but i have a problem. i can't configure my modem properly. I have a SoftK56 Data Fax Voice Speakerphone CARP modem (COM 3) and i don't know how to configure it - when i try to connect, "the modem is busy", and there is no dial tone or anything else. please help , because i've heard that u can surf the net much faster with linux and i want to try it. Thank you!

A. Jorge Garcia
05-17-2004, 10:53 PM
If its an internal modem its probably one of those infamous "winmodems" designed to work with WIMPdoze to save money on hardware. If its external, I've heard others on this form are succesful with KPPP (see <K><Internet><KPPP>).

Good Luck,

05-18-2004, 02:13 AM
You can go to linmodems.org to see if they list your modem in their database.

05-18-2004, 07:57 PM
It is an internal modem and I tried using KPPP, but it didn't work.

06-17-2004, 05:41 AM
Once had the same prob. I use kernel 2.6.6

dmesg | grep ttyS

Find out where the system has set your modem.

Mine was ttyS10

try this: cd /dev && ./MAKEDEV ttyS10

Using kde filemanager I linked /dev/ttyS10 to my desktop. Renamed the link to: modem
Then moved the new "modem" link into /dev

KPPP then queried the modem fine I'm using the connection for this post.