View Full Version : Changing File Permissions In Knoppix

05-18-2004, 04:13 PM
I'm running knoppix from CD on a computer that previously had an early version of RedHat on it. I'm trying to recover some files off the hard drive so that we can get rid of this old beast however it tells me I don't have the permission required to open the files.

I know that when you logged on as root on redhat you were able to access the files and I still have the previous root password. The version of redhat that was on the computer has got some problems and won't start anymore so I can't just log in there and transfer the files.

I'm very new to linux and any suggestions on how to change the file permissions or to just work around it would be greatly appreciated.


05-19-2004, 01:52 AM
Get root

type chown -R USERNAME.USERGROUP /directory/directory

change USERNAME to your login or the name you want the permissions to.
change USERGROUP to the group that the name resides in.

Change the /directory to what directory you want to change.

The -R means to recurse sub-directories. "This directory and all sub directories".
Make sure there is a . period between the name and group.

05-20-2004, 04:42 AM
--If you're running from CD, you have root consoles on Ctrl-Alt-F1 thru F4. I recommend running ' mc ' to copy/move files.

I'm running knoppix from CD on a computer that previously had an early version of RedHat on it. I'm trying to recover some files off the hard drive so that we can get rid of this old beast however it tells me I don't have the permission required to open the files.

I know that when you logged on as root on redhat you were able to access the files and I still have the previous root password. The version of redhat that was on the computer has got some problems and won't start anymore so I can't just log in there and transfer the files.

I'm very new to linux and any suggestions on how to change the file permissions or to just work around it would be greatly appreciated.
