View Full Version : can I add cheatcodes before burning CD?

05-19-2004, 04:51 AM
Is it possible for me to modify the boot.img (syslinux.cfg) use knx-customize-image.exe to add the FLOPPYCONFIG cheatcode, so that knoppix.sh (on floppy) will automatically be run without me having to type the cheatcode?

Also, where can I find the knoppix 3.3 ISO? Since all the mirrors have 3.4 only...


05-19-2004, 09:17 PM
You will need an ISO program.
Win-ISO is what I use but there are many others.
Ultra-ISO, ISO0buster, blah blah

Open the ISO in the ISO program and look in /boot/isolinux/
and find isolinux.cfg. Extract that to your HD.
Now open that isolinux.cfg in your favorite editor and change
that cheatcodes as you want them.

I changed my default to
default: sunnyb 1 alsa myconfig=.... home=....

Scroll through the list and you will find different labels.

My default label is:

LABEL sunnyb
KERNEL linux26
APPEND lang=us ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init noapm vga=794 initrd=minirt26.gz nomce nopcmcia nomousewheel quiet BOOT_IMAGE=knoppix

After you have finished editing that delete the isolinux.cfg from the iso than add the version that you just changed. Save your changes and exit.