View Full Version : Screen goes fuzzy...

05-23-2004, 06:28 AM
When I go to shut down or even restart Linux the screen goes fuzzy with lines running through it, etc. I'm not sure if that's my video card, or even where to start to try and figure out how to fix that.
I'm running a Nvidia Geforce 5200 if that helps anybody. I know support for Nvidia is not great, but I'd like a clear screen.
BTW...it works on booting and the whole time I'm using it.



05-23-2004, 02:33 PM

From how you describe it, it sounds like your screen has "five o' clock shadow" -=- maybe it needs a shave????? LOL

Hmmmm, I know, running v3.3, with a hard drive install, the login screen for Debian seriously had some issues on my monitor/video. It kind of looked like when someone on TV wore a wrong striped shirt, the "interferance", or could look like "noise", from the refresh rate and the lines in there shirt, would cause the lines to appear to me moving on there shirt.

I was getting the same thing with the background that was used in the Login Screen.

I kind of got an idea "where" you are having the problem, but, how bout some more info, for those who want to maybe "test" what the issue is...

What version of Knoppix are you running?
Are you running Knoppix off the CD, or have you installed it on your hard drive?
You mentioned the video card, but, what kind of monitor are you running?
Have you run anything else (other than Knoppix) on your system, and does the same problem happen with any other operating system, or software program?
Are you running the NVidia drivers for your video card, or just the standard video drivers that come with Knoppix? (if you are running off the CD, then you are using a standard video driver)

A lot of people here take the problem resolution very seriously, and the more information you can provide, the more they can help...

Thanks, and hope that I, if not others, can help out,
Ms. Cuddles

05-23-2004, 05:02 PM

From how you describe it, it sounds like your screen has "five o' clock shadow" -=- maybe it needs a shave????? LOL

Hmmmm, I know, running v3.3, with a hard drive install, the login screen for Debian seriously had some issues on my monitor/video. It kind of looked like when someone on TV wore a wrong striped shirt, the "interferance", or could look like "noise", from the refresh rate and the lines in there shirt, would cause the lines to appear to me moving on there shirt.

I was getting the same thing with the background that was used in the Login Screen.

I kind of got an idea "where" you are having the problem, but, how bout some more info, for those who want to maybe "test" what the issue is...

What version of Knoppix are you running?
Are you running Knoppix off the CD, or have you installed it on your hard drive?
You mentioned the video card, but, what kind of monitor are you running?
Have you run anything else (other than Knoppix) on your system, and does the same problem happen with any other operating system, or software program?
Are you running the NVidia drivers for your video card, or just the standard video drivers that come with Knoppix? (if you are running off the CD, then you are using a standard video driver)

A lot of people here take the problem resolution very seriously, and the more information you can provide, the more they can help...

Thanks, and hope that I, if not others, can help out,
Ms. Cuddles

Let's see...it's a laptop so its LCD. I've got a Dell Inspiron 5150 (I've had no other probs btw...Knoppix works great on it!). I have a harddrive install although it does it with CD boot too. I use the Nvidia drivers on the harddrive install though, but it doesn't make much difference.
I dual boot with Windows XP right now, but I don't have those issues with XP. If I can get the wlan thing figured out XP will be toast!
Does that help at all?
Thanks for responding!!


05-23-2004, 05:26 PM

I did a Search Knoppix.net and found the following looking for "nvidia geforce 5200":


Appears this may have something to do with the drivers that are provided with Knoppix, and the specific needs of the video card [?]

I know I had to run one of these "scripts" to get my NVidia GeForce4 running, and getting all of its features within Knoppix, possibly searching for what my video card is, may get the same script, it appears the script downloads the NVidia drivers, and installs them for you (which also appears that these drivers are "video card INDEPENDANT", generic I mean).

The topic/thread, I gave you above, was having problems getting the script to run, so, if the link/script doesn't run for you also, you might try a search for my post on my nvidia script, and use it, if they "really are" generic drivers for any nvidia video card ( I am not sure of this though, can someone back me up on my hypothesis? )

Hope this helps,
Ms. Cuddles