View Full Version : frozen-bubble-data

05-23-2004, 01:36 PM
Frozen-bubble-data says no install script and has apt totally messed up.

Have tried -f
Tried to uninstall, but apt says in too bad of a state, must reinstall and it won't do that either.

Any help appreciated.

Running 3.4 with 2.6.5 kernel.

Thanks in advance

Ray Anderson

05-24-2004, 12:19 PM
Yeah, I'm having that same stupid thing. I was trying to remove all those games that I would never play, and run into this.

Now, I'm stuck with this. Is there any way to manual hack out apt to clean it up? I just wasted a whole day trying to get over it, coz I can't do any other apt-related work.

I'm using 3.4 kernel 2.6.6 from 2004/5/17.