View Full Version : Backup NTFS partition with Knoppix live cd?

05-26-2004, 06:29 AM
Hmm I browsed through the forum for a bit but couldn't find something exactly like what I'm thinking. If I were to boot up with a Knoppix live cd, would there be a way for me to back up an NTFS partition to dvdrw? Since from my understanding, there isn't going to be any space for an image to be created to do the burning? For example, if I use ntfsclone ( ) and pipe this into a mkisofs and pipe that into cdrecord...something like:

ntfsclone --output ntfs.img /dev/hda1 | bzip2 -c > ntfs.img.bz2 | mkisofs -r | cdrecord dev=0,3,0 -v --eject speed=4 -

Unless mkisofs can't be fed like that..

Lol, I'm completely clueless. But say IF mkisofs can be piped to ( I dunno if it can or not ) would this be doable on a live cd where there is no space for an intermediate image?


-Michael Hsu

05-26-2004, 06:45 PM
yes it should work ok, A DVD+rw can even be formated and used liek a 4.XGhdd...
dvd+rw-tools are on knoppix so... here is more info.
btw dvd+rw-tols work on dvd+r dvd-r and dvd-rw aswell. but only dvd+rw is possible to format as ext2, reiserfs...

06-11-2004, 09:25 AM
Ah.thanks for the reply :) I'll give it a try after finals. Sorry I totally forgot about posting here lol.

06-11-2004, 12:28 PM
K3B now burns DVDs also.

06-15-2004, 09:48 AM
Ok this is what I used to make a backup..I haven't tried restoring, although I did output a portion to the ramdisk and looked through the first few lines and it looks like it may be right.


su -c "./ntfsclone /dev/hda1 -o -" | bzip2 -c | growisofs -Z /dev/cdrom2 -stream-media-size 1000000

Restore: Assuming that everything is working...

bunzip2 -c stream.img | dd of=/dev/hda1

Also of note, if you have your ntfs mounted with captive-ntfs, be extremely careful not to use ntfsclone to dump that volume. It will fail and overwrite the volume's boot sector. Or atleast that is what I think happened to me, I had to go figure out how to restore a ntfs boot sector :? If anyone is brave enough to try and confirm this, that would be good :P

06-16-2004, 01:48 PM
Myself, I used Ghost which was on my eMachines reinstall CD.
What's handy is using qtparted to partition a new drive,

06-17-2004, 05:35 AM
Ghost is pretty nice, but the last version I tried did not burn properly to dvd media. It would ask for next disc after 700 mb.