View Full Version : Problems Personalizing KDE

03-07-2003, 03:13 AM
I have installed Knoppix on my HardDrive. I love it. After spending 14 hours trying to get RH8.0 installed (xserver would not start no matter what I did), knoppix was a refreshing change. As far as I know, all of my hardware was automatically detected and configured by Knoppix -- wireless card, video card, etc.

My question is this -- I made a user account for myself and now when I try to make customizations to KDE, some of them are not persisted. For example, when I quit the "language choice" applet, it appears there the next time I start KDE. Another problem is that I can not modify the Konsole. I open up KDE Control Center /Personalization/KonsoleSchema and change the schema but it does not take effect. It seems to me that this is some sort of a permission issue since I can change the Konsole schema when I'm logged in as root.

03-07-2003, 03:36 AM
Are you applying the changes you make ie. with the apply button in KDE then clicking ok to leave the settings window. For the console schema off the settings menu save settings this should work.

03-07-2003, 02:38 PM
I also have a problem with this working. I changed the size of my fonts. The settings changed in my current session but the next time I rebooted they were lost.

03-07-2003, 07:49 PM
Yes, I did hit the "Apply" button :)

The font settings as Stephen pointed out is another setting that gets set back to the default with each new KDE session.

I had this problem with Mozilla not storing any bookmarks beyond the current session and fixed that by changing the group owner of the mozilla folder tree.

Perusing around the KDE Control Center, I noticed that all the fonts are stored in the /home/knoppix/.kde/ firectory even though I am logged in as a different user (a user account that I created). For this reason it seems to me that the KDE preferences are being stored in some directory to which my user does not have permissions, and thus my settings do not get persisted beyond the current session. Can someone verify whether this is true or not, or tell me how I can verify (and hopefully change) this?

Your help is greatly appreciated.

03-08-2003, 07:42 PM
I've had problems with settings being saved through KDE in several different distros and this may actually have nothing to do with Knoppix specifically.

06-04-2003, 06:21 PM
Ok, my turn, and just so there is no doubt, i'm familiar with linux but am still some what of a green horn.
ok having cleared the air , here is my question.
i have configured linux swap, ext2 file system for /home and have atempted
to save configuration, it saves but on reboot my kde settings seem to be lost.
so is there something i should be doing to save them somewhere else.
missing files or what.
oh and i'm booting from the cd and mounting my /dev/hda3 partition

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