View Full Version : Knoppix fails to boot into KDE from HD -- this used to work

03-07-2003, 07:57 PM
I am having a very strange problem with Knoppix today. When I turned on my computer this morning, it failed to boot into KDE.

I installed knoppix on my HD a few days ago and have been running it since with no problems. Just today it will not boot into KDE and has strange problems. When trying to boot into KDE, the screen flickers for about 3 times as if it were trying to change the graphics mode but can't find one that the machine supports. The weird thing is that I was running KDE just fine yesterday night -- I never had any problems with the graphics mode before.

The other strange thing about the boot is that after I log in, the machine prints out a message such as "no permission for: /dev/null/" or somethign like that line after line in an endless loop -- I have to hit CTRL-C to make it stop.

Is this behavor that someone has seen before? What should I try short of reinstalling everything?

Robert Michel
03-07-2003, 08:08 PM
Run df and look if the partition for root has free space
- once I was shocked, too - as my Debian wouldn't start
X anymore :wink:

Hope that is your problem, too - greetings

03-07-2003, 09:43 PM
During boot I get messages like:
/etc/init.d/rcS: line 7: /dev/null: Read-only file system

Then, at loggin I get an endless loop of:
bash: /dev/null: Read-only file system

I checked the amount of free space on my partition and I have almost 15 Gigs left -- so it's not a space issue.

Any help would be appreciated,


03-10-2003, 08:28 AM
--When's the last time you did apt-get update / upgrade?

I am having a very strange problem with Knoppix today. When I turned on my computer this morning, it failed to boot into KDE.

I installed knoppix on my HD a few days ago and have been running it since with no problems. Just today it will not boot into KDE and has strange problems. When trying to boot into KDE, the screen flickers for about 3 times as if it were trying to change the graphics mode but can't find one that the machine supports. The weird thing is that I was running KDE just fine yesterday night -- I never had any problems with the graphics mode before.

The other strange thing about the boot is that after I log in, the machine prints out a message such as "no permission for: /dev/null/" or somethign like that line after line in an endless loop -- I have to hit CTRL-C to make it stop.

Is this behavor that someone has seen before? What should I try short of reinstalling everything?