View Full Version : pppd call isp nodetach (or) Lord help me... i'm such a NOOB.

05-30-2004, 08:27 PM
alright... deep breaths....

okay... here's the deal... i got this broadxent modem thing that needs a driver. one of the fine people on this forum helped me find the driver. it seems to install fine. now i got 2 sets of instructions for this driver. one is the set that came with the driver. (used for a different version of linux- mandrake i think) the other is by a knoppix user who got it to work on there computer. i followed the original instructions which ( in the end) tell me to go to minicom after installing it and dail out from there... it dials but nothing happens. SO- i then went to the second set of instructions that tell me after installing it (which i did) to type 'pppd call isp nodetach' i do that and get and error saying 'etc/peers/isp (or something or other)' doesn't exists. i'm think that if i do the pppd stuff i need to set up something- i have no clue how to do that because i haven't the slightest clue what i'm doing. i do 'info pppd' and get lots of stuff that i frankly don't understand. this is probably extremely simple... i'm sooo lost. can anyone help? driver w/ knoppix instructions here......


p.s. i'm running from the CD