View Full Version : Probably a very stupid question, newbie

06-01-2004, 10:26 AM

just a very easy question for you guys who knew how to, but how do I check wich kernel version I´m running?


06-01-2004, 10:53 AM
uname -a
And please try to post with a more meaningful title next time ;-)

06-01-2004, 12:12 PM
Will do, thanx //Lasse

06-01-2004, 01:07 PM
I agree with BaldYeti on this...


Its not so much a big deal, but, considering the amount of posted questions that hit the forums, a good descriptive subject helps people who want to help.

For me, I come from a years worth of phone support in Win98, and then six months worth of support in MSN, and having the phone ring, you didn't have a clue what problem was on the other side of that phone. It could have been something easy and simple, or it could be the support call from HELL. Who knows.

This is different, the subject can be used to provide someone who wants to help, or has the expertise in what the issue is, can find those posts, and get you an answer quickly.

Possible subject line for this could have been: How to find out my version? or What is my kernel version?

You not only, might, have gotten your answer quicker, but, if the issue was more difficult, could have gotten someone who had/has dealt with it more, or resolved the issue themselves.

Nothing wrong with what you did, it just might help people who want to help you, more, in the future. Thats all :D

Ms. Cuddles
PS -=- Appears you have Knoppix running, and if all the problems you are having with it, are, the kernel version, sounds like you are enjoying it. Have fun :)

06-01-2004, 02:25 PM
Thanx again, my intention was to show it was a very easy Q, thats why I named the subject like so, but point taken and understood. Thanx again:)