View Full Version : knoppix stops loading after samba daemon

06-02-2004, 01:52 AM
I don't remember asking to start samba (don't use it) but suddenly,
this happened. bootup justs locks up there. help. How can I do an
interactive startup?

06-10-2004, 03:44 AM

06-10-2004, 08:19 AM
More info needed: Are you using a hard disk install of Knoppix? Are you using LILO? Can you get to a bash prompt?

06-10-2004, 06:56 PM
Knoppix is installed on my hda4 and I have used it for about a month. Don't know what happened to cause the normal lilo bootup to stop while
loading samba daemons. It lists the two samba daemons and just stops there. I have a lilo graphical bootmgr but no failsafe selected and I can't get to a console. I tried to enter with the install disk but it says I have the wrong root password and I know I have the right keyboard and /mnt/hda4 selected. I can get to the mounted partition and my home directory but I can't find where to stop the samba daemon from loading.
I hope I have elaborated enough.

06-10-2004, 09:13 PM
First the "truth in advertising" part: I'm just making (hopefully educated?) guesses here. I had to disable the /etc/init.d/hotplug script in Kanotix to avoid a bunch of boot-time errors this way, although it didn't halt the boot process.

You should be able to hit the Tab key when the graphical LILO screen comes up, to get to a "boot:" prompt, either when booting from your hard drive or from a boot floppy. Then you can type "Linux 1" (or "Linux S" or "Linux -s" according to my source (http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/reference/ch-tips.en.html#s-bootprompt)) to boot into single-user mode.

Then try removing Samba from from your startup (/etc/rc*.d/ scripts) by issuing the command update-rc.d -f samba remove.

06-11-2004, 06:17 AM
Your suggestion of removing the startup script for samba worked.
Many thanks. This is why I like the Linux os and the people who
use it.