View Full Version : Cant find KNOPPIX filesystem

06-02-2004, 10:36 AM
Ive just remastered MiniKnoppix for the 3rd time, only to get the same error everytime I do it:

Welcome to KNOPPIX live Linux-on-CD!

Accessing KNOPPIX CDROM at /dev/scd0.../modules/cloop.o: init_module:
Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including IO and IRQ parameters
Can't find KNOPPIX filesystem, sorry.
Dropping you to a (very limited) shell.
Press reset button to quit.

Im remastering from a working MiniKnoppix version, i unpack the filesystem then switch to knoppix 3.3 to chroot and make the iso. I dont seem to get any errors and the iso seems to be the correct size.

Im following the commands *exactly*, and I even tried the feather linux tutorial:


and im gettin the same error everytime.

There was a similiar post a month ago (http://knoppix.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7922&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0&sid=9fd243fe87931edbabf1c050241a8bae), but none of the suggestions worked.

What am i doing wrong?

06-02-2004, 04:30 PM
Same problem here.

The Remastering HOWTO has some obvious mistakes and is less than clear on remastering 3.4, can someone please give a complete list of instructions.

On a related matter, where is the source for create_compressed_fs? I need to run it on a RedHat 7.3 machine and the version of glibc is different.

06-03-2004, 04:58 PM
This error occurs when you use a different cloop version to remaster.

It's best to remaster from the same OS you are trying to remaster to avoid this issue. I discovered this when trying to remaster Knoppix 3.4 when booted from Knoppix 3.2.

06-04-2004, 08:30 AM
This error occurs when you use a different cloop version to remaster.

Ah, that'll be it, I used an old version of create_compressed_fs. I'm re-mastering on a RedHat 7.3 box, where can I find the source?

06-04-2004, 12:18 PM
Right, I've rebuilt a static version of create_compressed_fs and used that to remaster and still the same problem.

This is very frustrating, I had no problems with 3.3. I want to use 3.4 as it has alot of nice features but unless I can crack this I'll have to dump it.

06-04-2004, 12:42 PM
Miniknoppix is based on 3.3, im using 3.3 to do the remaster.

I have a debian install on the computer im remastering with, can I apt-get some cloop utils and use that? I can copy /usr/bin/create_compressed_fs from 3.3 too. What version of cloop should I get?

06-05-2004, 01:42 PM
I just another remaster from debian, after doing apt-get install cloop-utils
Im getting the same error!
Whats going on?

06-05-2004, 09:12 PM
cloop-2.01 is needed for kernel 2.6.x up
get it from alex's "morphix" or nakada's "berry linux" or klaus's linuxtag_developer
the module cloop.ko is tightly associated with kernel_version which "compiles" it

06-07-2004, 08:24 AM
the module cloop.ko is tightly associated with kernel_version which "compiles" it

Of course it is, but I'm not replacing the kernel or the module. Is create_compressed_fs or what it creates dependant on the kernel too?

06-10-2004, 03:48 PM
Yes, the cloop module is specific to the kernel, and create_compressed_fs will use whatever version of cloop your kernel is using.

06-25-2004, 05:06 PM
since one changes the kernel very often on remastering,then why not switch to squashfs instead of cloop ;running time are quite similar ,compression is a bit better (5%) and one is no more
dependent on this "version-kernel-cloop" problem.A squashfs image can be read by any kernel-squashfs-vanilla.
There is only 2 lines to replace by 1 line in miniroot.gz to reflect
mounting loopback image.sqfs instead of image.cloop
(see Armando's PrometeusX.iso)
Get squashfs -2.0 from Philip Lougher at sfnet.
It works beautifully .(see physicstools-1.3-sqfs-us.iso )

06-28-2004, 02:51 PM
Would be nice to see an alterante method for using squashfs in the remastering how-to.

06-28-2004, 11:30 PM
This is not a howto ;there are so many good knoppixremasteringhowto around ,so I only discuss the main points with enough details so anyone could
switch from cloop-to-squashfs remastering.
Let me put aside zisofs,zftree ,but only give here a comparison of cloop and squashfs :compression ratio and runtime .Let me call
knoppix.clp the usual knoppix image obtained with cloopcompress the isofile (or mkiso piped thru createcompressfs )
knoppix.sqf the knoppix image of the same structure using mksquashfs.
compression ratio sqfs 689655Kb in 34 minutes
cloop 729163Kb in 43.7minutes (a small gain of 5% and 10 min in favor of sqfs ) Source=2082Mb
In order to avoid errors induced by bad behaviour of cdrom-reading (aleas due to dust ,mechanics & feedback-control )the runtime measures are
done directly on running knoppix-image sitting on hard drive in both compression cases .In both cases mkzftree of a huge /usr is measured.
runtime-sqfs 27min25s (985.3Mb/1769Mb)
runtime-cloop 27min59s (985Mb/1785Mb)
Almost no difference in runtime.So we must consider other factors to favor the one or the other.
The cloop are compiled in modules ,so don't touch the kernel ;but in fact it is almost impossible -without too much contorsion if ever possible-to mount
the clooped image with another-version-kernel.One needs to boot with the same-version-numbered-kernel to be able to insmod cloop !
The squashfs has to be compiled with patched kernel ;but any other-version-patched-kernel can "mount loopback" the image.Now,each time one changes
the kernel,one needs at least patch modifying the cmdline-length from 256 to 512 characters (a line in /linux/include/asm-i386/setup.h ) to keep
Klaus'idea of having a flexible command line .For amateur-developer-remastering the last solution makes life easy !
To switch from cloop to squashfs just replace the make-image. and of course the loopback mount the image during booting phase
1 Get the kernel and the squashfs patch (squashfs.sourcefore.net ; latest version 2.0-alpha) .Modify setup.h as said ,patch with squashfs,compile.
compile the "mksquashs-tools" directory to get the binary "mksquashfs" and put in /usr/bin .
2 Get a copy of /KNOPPIX to some /remaster ;replace in /remaster the following directories to reflect the new kernel
/boot /lib/modules/2.6.x /usr/src/linux-2.6.x (this is standard kernel playing game ) and any eventual add/remove apps !
3 create the image: mksquashfs /remaster /outside-remaster-dir/knoppix
This line replaces the mkisofs ...| create_compressed_fs ...>knoppix.
4 modify linuxrc (from miniroot.gz or initrd.gz ) by commenting out the lines
(after scsi driver,at the paragraph "try to find cdrom" )
#insmod -f /modules/cloop.*o file=/cdrom/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX
#mountit /dev/cloop /KNOPPIX "-o ro" || FOUND_KNOPPIX=""
insert there a line
mount /cdrom/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX /KNOPPIX -o loop ,ro || FOUND_KNOPPIX=""
This mounts the image as squashfs tree.The rest is independant of compression mechanism.
Do not forget to change vmlinuz (new) when building the isocd.Some other version uses insmod cloop and losetup the loopback file ,it 's quite similar.
The Fun
By remaking the sqfs images of diferents knoppix-like-distro (cebit-3.4,quantian-openmosix,pollix,kurumin,physicstools...) with kernel-2.6.6 and put them
all in a /KNOPPIX ext2-directory ,I am able to boot any of them with just a boot-cd-15Mb and typing ...a label !
Have fun,

06-28-2004, 11:33 PM
This is not a howto ;there are so many good knoppixremasteringhowto around ,so I only discuss the main points with enough details so anyone could
switch from cloop-to-squashfs remastering.
Let me put aside zisofs,zftree ,but only give here a comparison of cloop and squashfs :compression ratio and runtime .Let me call
knoppix.clp the usual knoppix image obtained with cloopcompress the isofile (or mkiso piped thru createcompressfs )
knoppix.sqf the knoppix image of the same structure using mksquashfs.
compression ratio sqfs 689655Kb in 34 minutes
cloop 729163Kb in 43.7minutes (a small gain of 5% and 10 min in favor of sqfs ) Source=2082Mb
In order to avoid errors induced by bad behaviour of cdrom-reading (aleas due to dust ,mechanics & feedback-control )the runtime measures are
done directly on running knoppix-image sitting on hard drive in both compression cases .In both cases mkzftree of a huge /usr is measured.
runtime-sqfs 27min25s (985.3Mb/1769Mb)
runtime-cloop 27min59s (985Mb/1785Mb)
Almost no difference in runtime.So we must consider other factors to favor the one or the other.
The cloop are compiled in modules ,so don't touch the kernel ;but in fact it is almost impossible -without too much contorsion if ever possible-to mount
the clooped image with another-version-kernel.One needs to boot with the same-version-numbered-kernel to be able to insmod cloop !
The squashfs has to be compiled with patched kernel ;but any other-version-patched-kernel can "mount loopback" the image.Now,each time one changes
the kernel,one needs at least patch modifying the cmdline-length from 256 to 512 characters (a line in /linux/include/asm-i386/setup.h ) to keep
Klaus'idea of having a flexible command line .For amateur-developer-remastering the last solution makes life easy !
To switch from cloop to squashfs just replace the make-image. and of course the loopback mount the image during booting phase
1 Get the kernel and the squashfs patch (squashfs.sourcefore.net ; latest version 2.0-alpha) .Modify setup.h as said ,patch with squashfs,compile.
compile the "mksquashs-tools" directory to get the binary "mksquashfs" and put in /usr/bin .
2 Get a copy of /KNOPPIX to some /remaster ;replace in /remaster the following directories to reflect the new kernel
/boot /lib/modules/2.6.x /usr/src/linux-2.6.x (this is standard kernel playing game ) and any eventual add/remove apps !
3 create the image: mksquashfs /remaster /outside-remaster-dir/knoppix
This line replaces the mkisofs ...| create_compressed_fs ...>knoppix.
4 modify linuxrc (from miniroot.gz or initrd.gz ) by commenting out the lines
(after scsi driver,at the paragraph "try to find cdrom" )
#insmod -f /modules/cloop.*o file=/cdrom/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX
#mountit /dev/cloop /KNOPPIX "-o ro" || FOUND_KNOPPIX=""
insert there a line
mount /cdrom/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX /KNOPPIX -o loop ,ro || FOUND_KNOPPIX=""
This mounts the image as squashfs tree.The rest is independant of compression mechanism.
Do not forget to change vmlinuz (new) when building the isocd.Some other version uses insmod cloop and losetup the loopback file ,it 's quite similar.
The Fun
By remaking the sqfs images of diferents knoppix-like-distro (cebit-3.4,quantian-openmosix,pollix,kurumin,physicstools...) with kernel-2.6.6 and put them
all in a /KNOPPIX ext2-directory ,I am able to boot any of them with just a boot-cd-15Mb and typing ...a label !
Have fun,

07-06-2004, 11:33 PM

I struggle with the same problem the morphix people did. How do you mount back the squashfs filesystem if the version of ash does not support the "-o loop" option?

There is much more to be documented about the editing of the miniroot for each kernel as well as the changes in linuxrc.

Please can you elaborate a little bit more?

07-07-2004, 08:17 AM
short answer : attach your image to the loopback device before mount ! I 've not tried morphix_remaster (will do for fun).so here is a
long answer:
On most knoppix-standard-version-3.3-like ,I just do this
if test -n "$FOUND_KNOPPIX" -a -f /cdrom/KNOPPIX/$IMAGE; then
# echo "6" > /proc/sys/kernel/printk
#insmod -f /modules/cloop.o file=/cdrom/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX
#mountit /dev/cloop /KNOPPIX "-o ro" || FOUND_KNOPPIX=""
mount /cdrom/KNOPPIX/$IMAGE /KNOPPIX -o loop,ro || FOUND_KNOPPIX=""
-----most of them work ---
on peanut-9.6 ,which rather follow the jaco-Greef 's script-like
so ,do not have similarity with knoppix ,I just modify as follow:
original >
> mount -r -t iso9660 $drive /mnt/cd 2>/dev/null
> if [ -e /mnt/cd/peanut.clp ]
> then
> insmod /mnt/cd/cloop.o file=/mnt/cd/peanut.clp 2>/dev/null
> mount -r /dev/cloop /mnt/cdclp 2>/dev/null
---then modified as follow
for drive in `echo /dev/hd? /dev/hd?[1-9] /dev/hd?[1-9][0-9] /dev/scd? /dev/sr? /dev/sd?`
if ! mount -r -t ext3 $drive /mnt/tmp 2>/dev/null
then continue
elif [ -e /mnt/tmp/KNOPPIX/peanut.sqfs ]
umount /mnt/tmp
mount -r -t ext3 $drive /mnt/cd 2>/dev/null
if [ -e /mnt/cd/KNOPPIX/peanut.sqfs ]
# insmod /mnt/cd/cloop.o file=/mnt/cd/peanut.clp 2>/dev/null
losetup /dev/loop1 /mnt/cd/KNOPPIX/peanut.sqfs
mount -r -t squashfs /dev/loop1 /mnt/cdclp 2>/dev/null
and it works !
If by bad chance ,your "ash" do not understand
the command losetup ...(simply loopback not included on compile) you have to pick up from some other iso
if you don't want to compile busybox yourself.(not so hard)