View Full Version : Knoppix / Damn Small Linux PCMCIA network card question.

06-07-2004, 07:08 AM
I know this isn't the place to be asking questions about DSL, but I can't find help anywhere else, and since DSL is really Knoppix, I thought I'd give it a shot:

I'm trying to run DSL on an old laptop (P150 / 32MB), but it won't recognize the Netgear 410 PCMCIA>ethernet card.
When I try to boot Knoppix in the same machine, just to see the hardware detection, it seems to find the card, but of course I can't finish the boot.

So my question is: If Knoppix has a driver for this card (I can't tell if it'd work under Knoppix due to the RAM limitation), is it possible to copy that driver into DSL so that as it's booting, it'll see the card and install it properly?

If so, where in knoppix would I look, and where would I paste the file?

Thank you o-mighty guru's of Linux. I eagerly await your replies :)

06-12-2004, 10:21 PM
and wait and wait and wait, I'll bet.....wish I could help.

06-15-2004, 10:10 AM
Thanks knewbex :)

I check back here every so often, hopeful someone will take pity on me....