View Full Version : Can't save any config settings

06-10-2004, 03:38 PM
I have asked before but I didn't get any answers as to why I can't save any config settings on a 3.3 HD install.

Can anyone tell me how to change and save the monitor settings. I can't get anything but 640x480 makes no difference how many times I change and save it and the only way to access the monitor settings is to log in as ''root" and that still don't change the settings.

There are a couple other things which I can't get to change such as the toolbars in Konqurer, it just refuses to keep the settings from one session to another. The icons on the desktop refuses to stay where I put them from one session to another, they are just helter skelter on the desktop at each session.

Might there be some trick, which I have not found, to change and save these settings.


06-10-2004, 03:44 PM
One reason why you may not be getting an answer is that you are posting in the wrong place. You can post this here if you want, but the folks who can help you aren't looking here. They're looking for people to help under the HD installation category. I'm not meaning to be rude or anything - I'd help you if I could - but I've never installed to HD. You need to abandon this thread and repost over there to get a good answer. Once you do, do a reply here with a link to your new thread, so that if anyone stumbles across this one, they know where to go to help you.


06-10-2004, 03:52 PM
One reason why you may not be getting an answer is that you are posting in the wrong place. You can post this here if you want, but the folks who can help you aren't looking here. They're looking for people to help under the HD installation category. I'm not meaning to be rude or anything - I'd help you if I could - but I've never installed to HD. You need to abandon this thread and repost over there to get a good answer. Once you do, do a reply here with a link to your new thread, so that if anyone stumbles across this one, they know where to go to help you.


Thanks for the help. I will try to post in the HD section.