View Full Version : knoppix 3.4 (kernel 2.6.5) + lirc

06-12-2004, 02:06 PM
I just reinstalled knoppix to my HD to get rid of the cpp problems and that seems to be solved. Everything is working fine; tv-card, geforce + banshee + xinerama, usb stick, printer, even my scanner,... so far so good...me happy boy untill I wanted to install lirc.
Since I'm using kernel 2.6.5 I need to compile lirc from cvs source but while installing I get an error message telling me the kernel can't load modules and I need to rebuild my kernel...hm...never did that before. I started make config (I had to add a symbolic link somewhere to make this work) next I got a bunch of questions to hard to answer for me...so I control-c-ed to get rid of them.

So, my question: has somebody got lirc working on knoppix running kernel 2.6.5? And if so, can you please tell me how you did that? (many details plz...:D) I tried a lot of things...the debian packages aren't working (since they are older versions, not working with 2.6 kernels).

If I got this working windoz will be removed from my computer...so it's worth helping me :P
