View Full Version : Mounting for read/write at the begining

06-12-2004, 05:00 PM
I bet you have heard this question over a dozen times on this forum, but I'm realitivly new to Linux. When I shut down the computer for the night I save my configuration file (to mnt/hda1). When I go to boot Knoppix again (from CD) I input the codes to search for my config file

knoppix myconf=/mnt/hda1

Now when I get into knoppix my config file has loaded an everything seems to be fine, but the desktop image I put on does not display, rather a silver gradient background in its place. To put it back in I have to go into the properties for my HD (FAT32, if that has somthing to do with it) and check off read only. But before I can change the background I also have to access my HD by using konqueror. Then my HD is mounted to read and write and I can change my desktop wallpaper back to what I had. My question is that can I declare all that in the begining of the boot sequence?