View Full Version : panic: No init found. Try passing init= option to Kernel

03-10-2003, 05:26 PM
what this means:
"panic: No init found. Try passing init= option to Kernel"

help pls.

Robert Michel
03-10-2003, 05:48 PM
Salve berdy!

>what this means:
>"panic: No init found. Try passing init= option to Kernel"

What is the context? When you got this message with booting Knoppix
from CD, is this not good ...

If you booting with lilo and got this message, your lilo.config
was not complete. There must stand "init=/etc/init"
So please tell more, to help you better....

03-10-2003, 11:12 PM
hi rob, thanx for reply.
so, when i'm booting from CD in the end it says that "panic: no init found. try passing init= option to kernel" and nothing like "init=/etc/init" and thats it. whats wrong? what should i do?

03-11-2003, 01:00 AM
Your CD may be bad.
Boot up with:
knoppix testcd

and have knoppix check your cd, if it's OK, then maybe try it on another computer.



07-18-2003, 10:19 AM
I get the same error, i dont see any init= cheatcodes anywhere, i tried failsafe, lang, various other combinations.. After several write errors, it ends in kernel panic and the same as the first msg in this thread. The cd is good, my third one ive burned and tried, and using another computer is not an option. Any ideas?

07-18-2003, 10:22 AM
bleh, the mirror i downloaded the iso from didnt have the current version, so i got 5/20/03, instead of 6/06/03 >:(, trying again with current..

07-23-2003, 06:21 AM
I'm getting this error too :?

08-04-2003, 06:17 PM
I'm seeing the same; I've now tried with 3 different 3.2 versions, to no avail
See my other thread at http://www.knoppix.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3914#18278
If someone has found a work-atound, I'd be grateful to hear about it!

08-07-2003, 07:57 AM
I'm seeing the same error, and I believe (at least in
my case) it is due to not having enough memory. I'm testing
on a board with only 16Mb of RAM.

Looking back through the logs, I see
Creating directories and symlinks on ramdisk...
followed by
No space left on device.

Looks like the ramdisk fills, and so we end up with
an invalid root disk layout.


08-15-2003, 08:14 PM
I've downloaded from a few different sites around the world (all English versions). There are two different ISOs, both dated the same day.
but both dated teh 27th. Each gives me the error on boot:
"Kernel panic: No init found. Try passing init= option to kernel"
If the ISO is bad, all the current 3.2 mirrored ISOs are bad. I've tried these CDs on 8 different computers, from Dells and Gateways, to homebuilt clones. Makes no difference what I type to try to pass parameters to it.
Even failsafe has the same error.
This is not a bootable CD.
Hoping for the next (hopefully functional) version.

08-16-2003, 12:48 AM
I can now answer my last post and the others of this type, I think. We should all check the size of our ISO images.
The mirror sites claim the size of the two offered ISOs are nearly 700MB. Mine were only about 40MB. It's amazing I was able to boot to anything at all. I guess the first things to download are all the small files. The last is the one big Knoppix file. So I got all the files that made the CD bootable, but when trying to create the virtual drive(s) and expand the KNOPPIX file it would error-out.
Strange also that a 40MB ISO will calim to have written all the files and even reports the KNOPPIX file on CD as 686MB. So it knows how big it's supposed to be and is faking-out Explorer, but there's no way even a highly compacted ISO will expand from 40MB to the full 693MB CD.
Too bad that FTP downloads can finish without error and give partial files. I would rather that a partial file would not show up in Explorer at all.

But the Internet isn't working anymore for me. This week, the Internet either won't display web pages or the pages stop responding. FTP usually hangs without downloading a single MB. I guess I was lucky to have gotten 40MB last week. I've tried 4 Win2000 and 1 WinXP PC. Is this a Windows thing or is the Internet really that screwed up?

08-16-2003, 01:42 AM
Under Window, get yourself a copy of Opera which has download resume feature(the only major browser that has it). For purist(Opera is adware, not exactly free in the GNU sense), use the command line utility 'wget', there is a win32 port. wget also can resume partial download.

After the download is done, run md5sum(again there is win32 port).

08-18-2003, 06:25 PM
I will give that a try. Thanks.

Right now, however, I can't get any high-speed access. The Internet is partially functional. FTP doesn't work at all. My 56K modem at home is faster than my T1 connection at work.
I've tried HTTP (translates to ftp server), Explorer ftp, and DOS FTP. None of them will bring any data in anymore.
Maybe our security and all over the Internet the security and viruses ahve everything locked-down.

Anyone else having this problem?
Or is our FTP ability screwed up at the company level?