View Full Version : noob trying to load knoppix 3_3

06-19-2004, 09:38 AM
I have been using Me and XP and thought I would try out the Linux system. A copy of knoppix will load as far as configure, then fails to detect usb devises. If I enter the failsafe mode it will then continue to install to the final stage but the keyboard has limited use and the mouse is dead.

The installation stalls at....
Auto configuring devises
Insmod. Already exists
Insom/lob/modules2 .4.24.-xfs/kernal/drivers/input/input, o failed
Insmod:usbbkd failed

At this point no further action can be taken. This is a copy of knoppix 3.3 cd supplied with a Linux Mag, I have tried previously with a downloaded copy burnt with nero, with the same result.
I am using a two-year-old p.bell P4 1.7 256 RAM, would have thought this would have compatible components fitted.
Any suggestions would be appreciated

06-20-2004, 01:00 PM
when booting knoppix, try disabling the USB support.

so, press F2 when booting, then type
knoppix nousb

at the boot prompt. That will likely get you past the usb issues. Your machine probably has an older usb chip on it.
I have the same issue with knoppix 3.4 on my toshiba laptop.. have to disable USB support. There are commands you can run after bootup to have linux probe usb, but that will take more googling.

06-20-2004, 02:05 PM
Many thanks for taking the trouble to reply, i was getting to the stage of throwing in the sponge.

Your advise worked like a dream and took me into desktop. Using ALT+ F1 or F3 and esc gave me an opportunity to look around. A sub panel can be opened for commands but thats where i am stuck again.
I am sure that all the answers are out there somewhere and goggle seems a good place to start.
But could you give me a clue as to what to ask. The answer to how to turn on the mouse comes to mind., but if you feel its a chip problem it looks like a hopeless case.
Regards pop

06-20-2004, 02:47 PM
Easiest solution is to use USB->PS/2 adapters. They should come packaged with the keyboard and mouse. If not, they aren't expensive. Then when you get a mouse and at least a keyboard you can start figuring out how to fix the usb support.