View Full Version : Apt-get -> empty program menu

06-21-2004, 10:59 PM
I'm a new-ish Knoppix user with a successful HD install and some previous success using apt-get (through Kpackage) to add software (added some double-byte fonts for web browsing, for example).

I used Kpackage again and chose a number of packages - mostly games and utilities - but there were errors finding some of the packages on the servers (sorry no details recorded). The upshot is that the process ran through (sorry, again no detail, this was a couple of weeks ago) and I was left with a now completely empty 'start menu'.

Can I get my start menu back without using the computing-industry-standard 're-install from scratch' solution ? How ?

06-21-2004, 11:23 PM
I think the update-menus command might fix that. It's worth a shot anyways.

06-21-2004, 11:43 PM

Thanks for the suggestion. Results:

Start menu -> run command -> update-menu - 'could not run the specified command'

Taskbar -> Konsole - 'could not find service/konsole.desktop'

Hmm. Going back to try that with an 's' on the end...

06-21-2004, 11:51 PM

Start menu - run command - update-menus -> the command is accepted and appears to complete successfully, but with no errors or messages of any kind (whether run as is, or in a terminal window). There are still 'no entries' above 'Bookmarks' in the start menu.

The error message for Konsole from the taskbar (is this the correct terminology ?) is in fact 'Could not find the specified service System/konsole.desktop'.

06-22-2004, 01:13 AM
Sorry, I've never had this issue myself...so I was just guessing. But I did a quick search and it looks like you may need to:

apt-get install menu-xdg

and then run update-menus again (with the s). And log out and back in afterwards. If that doesn't work I'm out of ideas. :)