View Full Version : silent Knoppix

06-23-2004, 06:04 AM
I have knx 3.3 upgraded to KDE3.2, cannot get sounds to work. Everything seems OK, sound system is enabled in Control Center, system sounds are selected 'on', sounds files make the proper noise when tested but the event (eg open a window) does not trigger the sound.
What am I not setting up properly?
Next question: Konqueror sound preview will only play the first 1 second of an ogg file (eg Knoppix 'startup.ogg). Is there an addon needed or something to get the embedded sound player to play ogg files?

06-23-2004, 01:29 PM
I presume sounds was working before the KDE upgrade? Can you play any sound files from command line?

play some.ogg

06-23-2004, 03:04 PM
I *think* sound was working before the upgrade, don't recall actually checking.
I haven't tried from command line but I can play sounds manually...the sound bits in /usr/share/sounds make the proper dings & beeps when sampled with konqueror embedded media player and the ogg file will play with xmms. (Ogg files will start to play with embedded media player too but stop after only one second.)

06-23-2004, 11:04 PM
Hmm sounds like a definite KDE problem. Sorry CrashedAgain I'm not at all familiar w/ KDE. Lemme see if I remember why.........oh yeah it keeps breaking! :)

06-24-2004, 01:24 AM

06-24-2004, 03:46 PM
'Tis OK now (at least the sound "events" part)...I found the answer in KDE bugzilla. Have to change some settings in /home/usr/.kde/share/config/knotifyrc to true; apparently KDE (at least the Debian unstable package) doesn't do it properly by default.

I've found this quite a bit with KDE (especially with KDE & sound), it's not really 'broken' it's just that you have to find & change some setting in some really obscure config file somewhere.

Hmm sounds like a definite KDE problem. Sorry CrashedAgain I'm not at all familiar w/ KDE. Lemme see if I remember why.........oh yeah it keeps breaking! :)

Don't suppose you could have a look at my questions 'Knoppix.clean script' posted in remastering forum could you?