View Full Version : bpalogin

06-25-2004, 02:41 AM
Could you include bpalogin, a cable login client on the next cd? Many thanks, David.

06-25-2004, 08:54 AM
Hi drg55,

Thanks for you suggestion. There may be a better place
to request a feature -- such as a feature-request post at

Space is limited so you would need to show that the
feature is needed by many.

Of course, you can easily install the package for a hard
dirve install.
If you operate from CD consider the klik project.
Install the klik client from http://klik.berlios.de

Try the new automatic generator:

Open a new konqueror browser and in Location type:


To run it, open a Konsole and enter:
cd /home/knoppix/bpalogin
./wrapper bpalogin

Hmmm, it wants a configuration file.
Well, since I have no idea what this program does,
now you must take over. In case you do get it to work
let probono at klik know.

Best Wishes

06-26-2004, 01:08 PM
I downloaded the source file of klik (using fedora) but it didn't work with either knopix 3.4 26 kernel, or with 3.3.

I have a chicken and egg problem here, as I no longer have a dial up isp.
So using wget is out of the question.

bpalogin is a login client for cable internet. It is in the main debian archive and is fairly small. I have joined the debian-knoppix list.



07-04-2004, 08:42 AM
Thanks, I have since done the hd install and have got klik working. I have installed a few of the pgms from the klik menu and also tried with timidity from the konqueror browser, but there is a library prooblem.

Knoppix is a fantastic achievement, but as its based on testing / unstable there can be difficulties in adding packages. With Apt there are 52 sources and it was a massive download just to update, leaving apt as confused as when it started, when I used apt-cdrom to add a dvd of 3.0r2 and it rejected all 5000 + entries. I was able to install bpalogin from the dvd using dpkg, and I am communicating to you now using my cable internet account on knoppix, which is ** cool. **

Just as its best to stay within a stable distribution, to go too far outside knoppix is asking alot.

The klik site is great and I hope it does well.

If there was some way of reducing the version conflict problem, I think linux would make a quantum leap forward.

09-25-2004, 11:10 AM
I was able to fix this problem with the bigpond cable login client as follows, so that I can use knoppix from the cdrom. While the debian version installs various things to /usr/sbin etc, that wasn't necessary.

I fixed this as follows:

compile bpalogin-2.0.2 and save into your home dir - probably save to you hard disk by knoppix.
edit the conf file with correct user name
simply run ./bpalogin -c /home/knoppix/bpa/bpalogin-2.0.2/bpalogin.conf
or wherever your conf file is (somewhere easier perhaps?)
And she works!