View Full Version : No Sound At All

06-26-2004, 01:03 AM
Soundcard = Sound Blaster Audigy

When in any X Multimedia System (XMMS), it says
"Please Check That:
Your soundcard is configured properly
You have the correct output plugin selected
No other program is blocking the soundcard."

I tried running the autoconfiguring sound detector built in with Knoppix,
but for some reason is recognizes it as "Unknown Device|Unknown Vendor".

Any clue as to why I can't get any sound going?

06-26-2004, 02:57 AM
Have you tried booting with:

knoppix alsa

06-26-2004, 07:05 AM
well, I also have an AGP problem, so I have to boot with "fb1280x1024".
How do I enter multiple commands from the boot sequence?

Do you know?

06-26-2004, 12:17 PM

Simply add the multiple cheatcodes on the same line...

Like this

boot: knoppix fb1280x1024 alsa ... other cheatcodes...

My "usuall" boot prompt, back in v3.3 was like this...

boot: knoppix myconfig=scan home=scan screen=1024x768 vrefresh=60 noscsi nopcmcia noagp noapm

Now, who ever said that Linux was intuitive? ( or daunting to new users? ) - try adding all of that ( a new user that is ) every time you booted - yeah, right, I kept a "postie note" next to the computer to remember it all, cause if I didn't enter it all, I'd get a black screen when X started up.

Hope this helps,
Ms. Cuddles

06-26-2004, 02:57 PM
boot: knoppix myconfig=scan home=scan screen=1024x768 vrefresh=60 noscsi nopcmcia noagp noapm

But given the "myconfig=scan", aren't the other boot options "remembered" in the scanned file? So wouldn't that be the only boot option required for you (after your very first boot)?

06-26-2004, 03:54 PM
Ooops, your right, my mistake...

Disrergard the myconfig and home scans from the prompt, I combined two of my old prompts together -=- accidently -=- sorry :)

06-26-2004, 09:34 PM
Ok, when the boot screen came up I put
boot: knoppix fb1280x1024 alsa
however, the AGP boot command didn't apply,
because when it loaded the GUI everything was messed
up as it is without the command. when I put:

boot: fb1280x1024 alsa (without knoppix in the beginning)
the AGP worked since the GUI loaded up fine, but no sound.

Even when I try:
boot: alsa
it says "no such image drive 'alsa'", or something like that.

Anyone know what to do?
Remember, I HAVE to have fb1280x1024 work as well, or else I can't
operate the OS.

06-27-2004, 12:37 AM
Even when I try:
boot: alsa
it says "no such image drive 'alsa'", or something like that.

OK, so try

knoppix alsa fb1280x1024

or even

knoppix alsa knoppix fb1280x1024

Some combination should/will work.

06-27-2004, 05:48 PM
Ok, when the boot screen came up I put
boot: knoppix fb1280x1024 alsa
however, the AGP boot command didn't apply,
because when it loaded the GUI everything was messed
up as it is without the command. when I put:

boot: fb1280x1024 alsa (without knoppix in the beginning)
the AGP worked since the GUI loaded up fine, but no sound.

Even when I try:
boot: alsa
it says "no such image drive 'alsa'", or something like that.

Anyone know what to do?
Remember, I HAVE to have fb1280x1024 work as well, or else I can't
operate the OS.

Ok Jook, lets try this systematically....

if you do this...

boot: knoppix fb1280x1024

you can boot fine, but without sound, right?

if you boot this:

boot: knoppix alsa

you get a bad GUI, but do you get sound???

So, you need the "fb1280x1024" for AGP issues, in that case, I would think the proper boot should be:

boot: knoppix fb1280x1024 alsa

and if that command gives you a good GUI and still no sound, I would think that something is causing the "alsa" part not to work ( my guess ).

I have heard that ( sometimes ) some sound cards, or system configurations of hardware, get in the way of alsa running correctly. One is that you are not running ArtS sound server in addition to alsa, it competes with each other, the other is, yet another, cheatcode, that deactivates "known" issues with alsa, let me see what it is............... Darn it, I can't find it..... I think its noacpi -=- I remember it was almost a given "needed" command if alsa sound is not working, and in most cases, the inclusion of the command cheatcode worked....

You might try either the noacpi, or noapm, or a combination of both, with the above boot command, something like this:

boot: knoppix fb1280x1024 alsa noacpi

I am going off memory here, I don't have my old lilo.conf "append" line anymore to cheat off of, so its my best guess here. I get confused with some of the cheatcodes, you have a acpi and a apic, but the apic isn't it, so I think the acpi is right. In fact, I am sure that this topic has been raised before within these forums, let me see what I can find........

Hmmmmmm, I found a topic on ALSA with apm & acpi support, appears that in this post, a contribution by Fabianx, that possibly the cheatcode has changed, from alsa to alsa=scan ???? So, from what I gather, you can try some of these cheatcode combinations:

boot: knoppix fb1280x1024 alsa noacpi
boot: knoppix fb1280x1024 alsa noapm
boot: knoppix fb1280x1024 alsa noacpi noapm
boot: knoppix fb1280x1024 alsa=scan

You should also note, that alsa fires up your volume controls with zero and muted, so, the suggested command in a konsole window after booting is to run aumix 75 -=- or fire off alsamixer and ensure that your volumes and mutes are set properly...

Here is the search results I found using alsa in the box above labeled Search Knoppix.net:


and the topic I pulled from:


and the topic I got the quote from Fabianx from:


I hope this helps,
Ms. Cuddles

07-07-2004, 05:41 AM
Oh man! I tried EVERYTHING. NOTHING works.

For some reason, using:

boot: knoppix ANYcommandHERE
will simply not work.
How do I know this? When I use:

boot: knoppix fb 1280x1024
The GUI loads all messed up, as if the code was never entered.

This is really wierd. I have the NEWEST Knoppix (3.4, it was the newest last week).

However, when Knoppix is booted with:

boot: fb1280x1024
(without the knoppix before the code), the AGP works loads fine.

when using:

boot: alsa noacpi fb1280x1024
it replies with: "alsa" image not found (or something like that)

And as for one of you who asked:

When I boot with:

boot: fb1280x1024 alsa

The GUI loads fine and clear, but still no sound.

ANYONE have ANY clue as to what is going on?

07-07-2004, 05:58 AM
I never tried the "knoppix" boot codes with v3.4 - I went with the "experimental" 2.6.6 kernel - which you get at by the following:

boot: linux26 [commands]

I used a whole long list of stuff with the above...

boot: linux26 lang=us noacpi noagp noswap nopcmcia alsa

And it worked for me - after the hard drive install, it appears the command line stuff is no longer recognized though - but that is after the hard drive install...

I had at least four accounts of booting the above on the CD, and it worked each time - So, I can not be sure of the 2.4 kernel boot, which is accomplished by using the "knoppix" on the boot prompt...

Don't know why it isn't working though,
Ms. Cuddles