View Full Version : lame >> toolame

06-27-2004, 05:41 AM

toolame makes a very good drop-in replacement for lame or other layer 3 encoders under most circumstances.

But I'm buggered if I can make sense out of the manpage. (I do wish folk would include examples in manpages.) :cry:

Here's the scenario: I record some voice as mp3 on my Neuros. I copy it over to the 'pooter and use audacity to turn it into an ogg so that I can edit it in rezound (which I prefer to audacity). But I then have to turn it back to mp3 so that I can stick it on a Swiki and people with Windows can listen to it without downloading an ogg player. I could easily convert it to wav, but I'd not gain (and don't need) any quality (the ogg is absolutely brilliant, no hum, hiss, nothing) .

Anyone know how I convert a common or garden 48,000 herz ogg (or a wav) into an mp3?

Options seem to be toolame or mplayer.

06-27-2004, 06:15 PM

I too prefer to use ReZound, when I was doing my "project" in digitizing analog cassettes, it saved my rumpus. I know ReZound can read/write WAV, that is what I was using, and that it can do the same for OGG.

I guess my biggest question is, does ReZound have a "plug-in" for MP3 read/write ability, this to solve not only your "conversion" games, but to also keep the sound file in a single format through the complete edit/touch-up process, and to be able to use a single program to do it all???

I know in the Windows World, MP3 is like "gold" in native format, and in most recorders, it costs extra to have a "digital", or "close to digital" format to record in. Some recorders/rippers don't provide the MP3 encoder unless you register, or pay. ( the price we pay for companies that think we all are going to "steal" digital compilations from the rightfull money-mongers, I think. (read: copyright infringement) )

Not sure your resolve, just coming up with ideas for you,
Ms. Cuddles

06-27-2004, 08:54 PM
Fingers, I think that all you need to do is to install liblame0 (if that doesn't do it you can try also installing lame and liblame-dev). I know that rezound will work with mp3's for me...both opening and saving to them. You can install the lame library with apt-get if you have these sources in your list:

deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ stable main
deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ testing main
deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ unstable main

06-29-2004, 03:39 AM
Thanks, that worked, at least for Rezound -- Audacity now produces empty mp3s and crashes, so I guess I got an incompatable version of the library. Time to apt-get remove audacity, methinks!