View Full Version : start lissetup.sh during boot-up?

06-30-2004, 08:24 AM
how can i make the lisa daemon auto config/detect script (lissetup.sh) run during boot up? it requires root access but want it to start even if im using non-admin account.
is it also possible to view the lan PCs with their names and not their IPs? (using konqueror). the rest of the PCs in my Lan are windows boxes.

06-30-2004, 06:44 PM
I found a way to set up the system so that you can modify knoppix.sh even when booting from CD *if* you have at least two partitions on your windows system (i.e. drives C: and D:).
See Tips and Tricks message:

If you can do that, then I presume you can modify knoppix.sh to run lissetup.sh.

Best Wishes

06-30-2004, 08:26 PM
how can i make the lisa daemon auto config/detect script (lissetup.sh) run during boot up? it requires root access but want it to start even if im using non-admin account.

If this is an hdd install simply drop your script in /etc/init.d then do:

update-rc.d lissetup.sh. defaults

Anything in the run levels gets executed as root.