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View Full Version : Knoppix 3.4 Installation Script Problem

06-30-2004, 06:13 PM
I have installed, several times, knoppix 3.3 using the script.
I have just downloaded 3.4, poped it into the machine and am running it off of the CD.
I now want to install it into the hard drive, and yes, overwritting 3.3 is fine.

I have tried to run the scripts sudo knoppix-install and even the older sudo knx-hdinstall, with no luck, other than a message that these commands does not exist.

I have looked at /usr/local/bin but bin doesnt exist, only /usr/local/sbin, which has NO scripts/files...

Any recommendations on how to get an install script going on the box?



06-30-2004, 07:43 PM
knx-hdinstall is no longer available...and you left off the 'er' in knoppix-installer unless that's just a typo here.

06-30-2004, 10:32 PM
knx-hdinstall is no longer available...and you left off the 'er' in knoppix-installer unless that's just a typo here.

Not a typo, just trying to follow the FAQ at http://www.knoppix.net/docs/index.php/FaqInstall
which is knoppix-intall, BUT you are correct, it is supposed to be knoppix-installer, not the knoppix-install!!!

Thanks for that easy, quick fix, I appreciate it!
