View Full Version : Please help! Why cant anybody answer this sort of question?

07-01-2004, 12:47 PM
Hi, I have edited the isolinux.cfg so that I can place all the Knopix files within one folder. That folder is named KNOPP34.
I made this change to the isolinux.cfg after each APPEND command.

APPEND knoppix_dir=KNOPP34

OK i wouldnt even classify myself as being very knowledgeable when it comes to Linux, but this method doesnt work for me for some reason.
I know it can be done and would be gratefull to someone who will explain it to me.

I feel like Im taking crazy pills here and I am afraid I will have to flood every message board in the world until I can find an answer. Sorry if i sound like a moron but doing this mean a lot to me.

Thanks heaps,

07-02-2004, 10:33 AM
Hi Jamie,

this sounds interesting. But.. what is the question that you need answering? :?:

07-02-2004, 10:58 AM
:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

lol, i feel like such an idiot! I edited the post. yeh, the problem was that this method didnt work for me. I had a million things on my mind when I wrote that...anyway I dont realy think it was that method that was the problem but if anyone can help me with the problem below I would be ever so gratefull. :lol:

__________________________________________________ _________

Whenever I try to make a bootable cd I get this cd.

"Image checksum error, sorry..."

I use the isolinux.bin as the boot file and the usual 07c0 and 4 sectors and no emu., but I am always getting this error on every distro I try to make bootable. I also created the .WBT file with Winiso to use as the boot file and place the files as normal onto the cd.

Its driving me crazy and I have wasted so many disks. I think it might be a problem with the latest version of Nero 6 I installed.

Anyone got any ideas? I wonder if anybody else had had this error?


07-02-2004, 11:01 AM
deleted this post.

07-04-2004, 10:09 PM
Hi, I have edited the isolinux.cfg so that I can place all the Knopix files within one folder. That folder is named KNOPP34.
I made this change to the isolinux.cfg after each APPEND command.

APPEND knoppix_dir=KNOPP34

OK i wouldnt even classify myself as being very knowledgeable when it comes to Linux, but this method doesnt work for me for some reason.
I know it can be done and would be gratefull to someone who will explain it to me.

I feel like Im taking crazy pills here and I am afraid I will have to flood every message board in the world until I can find an answer. Sorry if i sound like a moron but doing this mean a lot to me.

Thanks heaps,

I don't think I can actually help with this problem, but I'm real curious....Why?
What will editing isolinux.cfg like this achieve?
I have to admit I haven't done anything with 3.4 yet so maybe this is why I don't understand what & why you are doing. Please enlighten.

07-08-2004, 02:53 PM
Hi, I am trying to do this so I can have multiple distro's on 1 DVD in seperat folders so I can boot them through cdshell.

If it works, then it can probably work with all isolinux based distro's.

07-09-2004, 02:05 PM
have a look at "remastering knoppix with squashfs "
it tells you almost what you want
( now ,about md5 error , did you rebuild the md5sum on the whole structure?
before burning )