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View Full Version : Nvidia Installation

07-01-2004, 06:09 PM
I can't believe that you have to recompile the kernel to install a NVIDIA graphics card.

This is a 32 meg plus download just to get the headers!


I'm out in the sticks with a horribly decrepit land line which is frequently dug up to provide copper wire tourist tat.

It's about a couple of hundred mile round trip to get to the internet cafe so that I can cut a CD, which, when I run apt-get on it, is invariably lacking some dependency or other.

Looks like a better solution is to ditch my NVIDIA 128meg card (which cost a fortune when I bought it) and get something with less power but more mainstream.

07-01-2004, 07:51 PM
Can't you at least get it working with a cheatcode? I know there are a couple out there that will set it to a basic and ubiquitous VGA output, so at least you're running.


07-02-2004, 08:54 PM

Thanks for the reply.

Getting the graphics card to work is not too much of a problem: I just used xf86conf (from memory) which set everything up.

The problem is that the card behaves as though it's mired in molassis, which is disappointing for a 128 Meg card!

What I want to know is: if the nvidia installer script downloads kernel patches and drivers from the nvidia website, why isn't it possible to download the said files and cut a cd.

Then one can take the cd to the knoppix machine and modify the installer script to fetch the files from the cd rather than the net?