View Full Version : new Kanotix version 06-2004

07-01-2004, 07:17 PM
Hi all:

A new version of Kanotix is out.

DL at:


".. improved hardware detection Many new WLAN drivers including ACX100 (PCMCIA), Centrino, and Ndiswrapper to use Windows drivers. Hard disk install now uses GRUB bootloader as default. Latest Debian/Sid for the rest as usual. . ."


David Ormsby-Gore
07-08-2004, 11:37 AM
Apart from having Kernel 2.6.6 and Captive NTFS support, and a full Knoppix desktop, and more besides, KANOTIX also provides a ten-minute HD installation of clean DEBIAN.

To summarize KANOTIX info:

KANOTIX BUG HUNTER 06/2004 RELEASE: This is a Linux Live CD based on KNOPPIX technology using mostly pure Debian/sid, which includes Kernel 2.6.6, ACPI and DMA enabled by default (can be disabled with acpi=off respectively nodma), i586 optimization, AVM Fritz!Card DSL support, Eagle USB DSL support, KDE 3.2.2, OpenOffice 1.1.1, Captive 1.1.5 (NTFS Read-Write), ALSA (included in kernel), GRUB boot loader for CD start - ideal for rescue in command line mode, Memtest86+ - Advanced Memory Diagnostic Tool in the extra menu of the boot loader. Note the Captuve-NTFS and GRUB boot loader features. By using GRUB, I experience no live boot problems with otherwise difficult or impossible DVD/CD-ROM drives.

KANOTIX notes: "Don't try to write to NTFS partitions using the standard NTFS driver included with the kernel, as its support for writing is very lacking, thus it could destroy the partition and the data in it. There is a new Captive NTFS driver that does a better job at writing to NTFS, so use it instead. For FAT partitions you can enable write-access with the context menu (right mouse button). You may not have the rights to modify Linux partitions, use the root mode in konsole if needed. Some links are not working in the menu - that is not my fault - the packages from Debian/sid are very new and may have some little bugs, but you can always use new releases. If you find other bugs feel free to post them in the forum."

Information: http://kanotix.com/info/index.php

download: ftp://debian.tu-bs.de/kanotix/

download: http://debian.tu-bs.de/kanotix/

download: ftp://ftp.fbihome.de/linux/kanotix/KANOTIX-current/

07-08-2004, 01:58 PM
It is also worthy to note that Kanotix Bug Hunter 6 does NOT have an SMP kernel.

The GRUB menu can also be used to boot existing Linux hdd installs.

A. Jorge Garcia
07-08-2004, 04:02 PM
Anyone have experience with grub? I've been using lilo in the mbr for my KNOPPIX hdinstall dual-boot PCs lately. How's using grub in KANOTIX different?


07-09-2004, 12:45 AM
Anyone have experience with grub? I've been using lilo in the mbr for my KNOPPIX hdinstall dual-boot PCs lately. How's using grub in KANOTIX different?


grub kicks butt man!

Wanna try it out for yourself?
apt-get install grub
reboot (just to see it in action)

You'll just have to use it a bit to see why it's better. You won't go back to lilo.

07-12-2004, 10:06 AM
im a lilo oldschool myself but the way grub has been used in kanotix is exceptional.... you can choose resolution..language and 1001 other cheatcodes straight from a GUI type ....

you gotta see it.... IMHO to appreciate it.

07-13-2004, 11:42 PM
I am a LILOlady myself...fear grub as fear of unknown. Lilo is the only boot manager I have ever used. Would like to triple boot BH6 with my existing (and much much much LOVED main install of BH4) and the much needed W98SE for graphics for work. Anybody want to give a grub newbie pointers on how not to blow it on a harddrive install of BH6 (while keeping BH4 as default) and 98. The 98 and fat32 covers 3 partitions on primary disk. Knoppix and BH4 cover 3 partitions on secondary hard disk, each have own partition and they share the linux swap partition of that disk. I would overwrite the Knoppix with BH6. Currently Lilo manages BH4 and 98SE, knoppix I access with a floppy (as my attempts as to adding it to the boot choices were an abysmal failure :( )

07-14-2004, 01:42 AM
Go ahead and install Kanotix. GRUB will automatically add all kernels (and windows partitions) it finds to /boot/grub/menu.lst.

In the unlikely event that you can't get GRUB to work corerectly you can use the Kanotix cd to boot any of your partitions too. :)
Please join us in #kanotix

Here is my menu.lst

## ## End Default Options ##

title Debian GNU/Linux, kernel
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda1 ro

title Debian GNU/Linux, kernel (recovery mode)
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda1 ro single

title Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.7-kanotix
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.7-kanotix root=/dev/hda1 ro

title Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.7-kanotix (recovery mode)
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.7-kanotix root=/dev/hda1 ro single

title Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.7
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.7 root=/dev/hda1 ro

title Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.7 (recovery mode)
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.7 root=/dev/hda1 ro single

title Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.4.26-1-k7
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.26-1-k7 root=/dev/hda1 ro
initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.4.26-1-k7

title Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.4.26-1-k7 (recovery mode)
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.26-1-k7 root=/dev/hda1 ro single
initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.4.26-1-k7


title BH06
root (hd0,9)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.6-kanotix-2 root=/dev/hda10 ro

07-14-2004, 03:29 AM
In the unlikely event that you can't get GRUB to work corerectly you can use the Kanotix cd to boot any of your partitions too.

With LILO, booting an installed distro from the CD is a very simple matter, and as a result I haven't made a boot floppy in a long time. At the CD boot prompt:
vmlinuz root=/dev/hda8 noinitrd ro
and it hits the CD for a couple of seconds so it can find the root directory, and then boots from the hard drive as normal. (Depending on the distro, the kernel may be named vmlinuz, linux, knoppix. Use what you need.) I can do this with GRUB, but it involves editing the menu and is much more complicated.

If there is a simple way to boot a GRUB CD, I would like to know what it is. Thanks.

07-20-2004, 11:36 PM
thanks, mzi - if that grub is that easy to boot multiple o/s's and distros might give it a shot this weekend. While downloading gnome to try out on the spare machine :lol: I can't get enough of linux's in the kanotix/knoppix family.

I think somewhere around here I have the bootdisk that I made when I installed my BH4 (which is going to be my main os for a long long time- I got everything I want on this baby and I would never want to lose it). If I can't find it pretty sure command mkboot would work. Been awhile, actually. Will figure it out or somebody want to give the old lady with short term memory loss a hint? :oops:

and kansas, I found lilo just awful trying to boot 2 linux distros and one 98 (the 2 lx on one disk and 98 on the primary). Tried several things suggested in this and another forum and never had any success. Kernel panics :( and much other strangeness. I gave up and stuck with Lilo to boot kanotix as default, 98 as a choice and knoppix from a floppy only.

07-21-2004, 12:31 PM
nishita your prob is prbably the fact its an initrd kernel.
there are numberous ways around this but I find the most convenient is a small partition for /boot

I let each distro do what it wants and overwrite the MBR then copy the /boot stuff (renaming as appopriate and not copying the symlinks like vmlinuz BUT not forgetting hidden files ...

backup the installed lilo.conf then I find the previous lilo.conf and copy it to /etc and edit it to add the last distro and rerun. (you need to make sure you keep all the correct copies by kernel name)

Once you do this you can use your apt cache to reinstall all the stuff from the other version of kanotix.... (I think /var/apt/cache) Im at work now so hard to be exact!

then I copy the /etc/apt/sources.list
and apt-get upsdate
then run synaptic and see upgradable packages since you might have later version you might prefer.

None of this touches your sacred BH4.... but it should give you everything you want...

another trick is I have a large /shared partition I use as a quasi home.
if you share your home across distros then .kde and other stuff gets messy thus I mount a partition as /home/user/shared for all the non specific stuff... (downloads/docs etc.)

07-22-2004, 02:00 AM
see, Kansas, this is where it all gets messier than I can handle. Init scripts are exactly the reason I have SOOO MANY problems with live CDs. Though kanotix was the first to give me a little more choice in the matter. When I have tried to boot kanotix & knoppix or knoppix & knoppix for that matter I run into some awful mucky muck where lilo tries (and sometimes suceeds :shock: _ in booting one distro with another's kernel (is that as convoluted as it sounds? but that is what seems to happen and it ain't pretty). So I gave up. Figure I will always have my main o/s, a linux distro (likely always kanotix) dual booting with 98 on the other disk. And trying to keep a third choice of linux booted with a flippy. Getting close to just overwriting the extra linux' partition for storage. I think it is the live CD distro thing, but too much for me to digest to get working together.

A. Jorge Garcia
07-22-2004, 05:02 AM
DL at:


Thanx for the link! Where do I get the md5sum file for this file?


07-22-2004, 09:40 AM
We can almost certainly help ....

I kept getting in messes myself before I just decided to make a /boot

I manually copy everything over from the /boot created by knoppix etc. and dont use the linked names like vmlinuz ... instead I make sure I use the full kernel name etc.

Once you actually do this and find the files etc. it becomes a lot simpler... I get rid of the graphic boot screen and nice stuff like that in favour of the plainest lilo.conf I can :D

I think I might have answered this for you on the kanotix board?
if so we should prob just keep one living thread!

07-23-2004, 05:54 PM
DL at:


Thanx for the link! Where do I get the md5sum file for this file?


It's md5sum: debc7802cfaa3fac047a3926dadb7455

But you can get it here: http://kanotix.com

07-23-2004, 06:03 PM
see, Kansas, this is where it all gets messier than I can handle. Init scripts are exactly the reason I have SOOO MANY problems with live CDs. Though kanotix was the first to give me a little more choice in the matter. When I have tried to boot kanotix & knoppix or knoppix & knoppix for that matter I run into some awful mucky muck where lilo tries (and sometimes suceeds :shock: _ in booting one distro with another's kernel (is that as convoluted as it sounds? but that is what seems to happen and it ain't pretty). So I gave up. Figure I will always have my main o/s, a linux distro (likely always kanotix) dual booting with 98 on the other disk. And trying to keep a third choice of linux booted with a flippy. Getting close to just overwriting the extra linux' partition for storage. I think it is the live CD distro thing, but too much for me to digest to get working together.

You can easily boot your other installs with grub. Simply run update-grub. If you have specific entries you want to keep in /boot/grub/menu.lst then put them before the "### BEGIN AUTOMAGIC KERNELS LIST" For example I want my 2.6.8-rc2 kernel to use the bootsplash so I need to append "splash=silent " and add an initrd entry to the boot line for that kernel. Running update-grub will wipe those out so I put that entry out of the way.

title 2.6.8-rc2
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.8-rc2 root=/dev/hda1 ro splash=silent vga=791
initrd /boot/initrd.splash


<area used by update-grub>


And it will not be changed when you run update-grub. You don't need lilo installed anywhere for any reason.

07-23-2004, 09:40 PM
Just figured I'd mention that the GRUB on the Kanotix 05-2004 and 06-2004 (and GNUStep 0.5 which is based on Morphix) cdroms doesn't work on some old bioses. I've found two computers which, even if set to boot from cdrom, bypass the cdrom and boot from the hard disc with the above-mentioned distros (while Knoppix and Damn Small Linux boot fine). I was able to run Smart Boot Manager from floppy to boot to the above cdroms on one machine, but the other machine doesn't have a floppy drive -- so, anyone one knows of a boot manager that loads into memory from a cdrom, and can then boot a cdrom in the same drive (or another drive on a usb interface), please tell me.