View Full Version : Change run control under 3.4??!!??

07-02-2004, 02:37 PM
Ok...this is totally bizarre.

I gave up trying to install 2.6 kernel and bit the bullet and installed 3.4 from disk.

Install went great, but how in the hell do you change the run control. I pull up rc.d and it is empty...no code??!!??

What has happened?

07-02-2004, 03:48 PM
rc2.d, rc3.d, and rc5.d should not be empty. You can mange the run control with the rc-update CLI utility, or you can manually link to init scripts in /etc/init.d into those run control folders.

07-02-2004, 04:13 PM
rc2.d, rc3.d, and rc5.d should not be empty. You can mange the run control with the rc-update CLI utility, or you can manually link to init scripts in /etc/init.d into those run control folders.

Just really confused/frustrated on how files and layout have changed under /etc/inti.d

Give me some, which I don't really have, and I need to figure out how to change the run control level to 3 not 5.


07-02-2004, 04:38 PM
In /etc/inittab there's a line near the top of the file that sets the default run level. This is where you can change it to 3 instead of 5.

Then to straighten out your init for runlevel 3,

cd /etc/rc3.d

Inside here are links to init scripts and each are numbered with a S## to indicate the order they start, 0-99. You can delete links for any of these services you do not want to start in run level 3.

rm S99kdm
for example

While in rc3.d, you can add new ones by creating links to the init scripts in /etc/init.d

ln -s ../init.d/kdm S99kdm

rc-update can be very helpful in adding and deleting services from a run level or all runlevels, and KDE also has a services manager GUI front-end for rc-update.

rc-update add/del servicename runlevel

In this example, choose either "add" or "del" to add or delete a service, list the service's name, and enter the number of the runlevel or the word "defaults". man rc-update will tell you a whole lot more about the program.

07-03-2004, 06:14 AM
Yup, after messing around for a few hours figured inittab was the file to edit.

Now when I boot up it logs me into the root account. Not good.

How do I change this?


ps, Linux is a young man's game, and I find myself no longer having the time to play it, as much as I hate windows....please understand...

07-03-2004, 08:09 PM
Odd, my install (knx-hdinstall, debian style) gives me a login prompt. There must be a service that does the automatic root login....

Are you HD-installed debian style, Knoppix style, or poorman's install?