View Full Version : Newbie: using CF CARD (PCMCIA/USB) with Knoppix 3.4

07-05-2004, 02:16 PM
Hi all,

When I boot Knoppix 3.4, if the CF Card is in the PCMCIA adapter it is mounted but is read only. The questions are:

1- How do I boot first the Knoppix 3.4, and then mount the CF Card when needed?

2- How do I make the CF card in PCMCIA slot read/write?

3- Does Knoppix 3.4 mount the CF Card in Delkin eFilm Pocket reader so that I can also work with the files on it?

I am also not very fluent with Linux, so the questions may be a little basic, anyhow thanks for answers.
Veli Izzet

07-05-2004, 02:44 PM
Right click on the icon for the drive on the desktop and change the permissions to read/write.