View Full Version : How do I get large cursors?

07-06-2004, 04:41 AM
I would like to have enlarged cursors for my tired old eyes, but I can't figure out how. I am running Knoppix 3.4 2004-05-17,which I installed to my hard disk and updated it this morning. I use the graphical login manager. The kde versions is 3.2.2.

I downloaded several mouse themes via kde-look.org but none of them are particularly large. Several contained the instruction that to have large cursors add the line

Xcursor.size: 48

to ones .xinitrc or .xsession.

However, kdm is started way before I log in, so that would seem to bypass my .xinitrc. I did put the above line into /etc/X11/Xresources/xfree86-common
and was rewarded with a large cursor during the bring up phase but it promptly disappeared when I move the cursor from the splash screen. I reappeared when I selected logout from the menu.

When I created an .Xsession with the above line, I could not log in. If I created .xintrc with the above line, there seemed to be no effect.

I found many instances of the minihowto on big cursors, but following those instructions seemed to have no effect.

It seems as though I start with large cursors due to the addition to /etc/X11/Xresources/xfree86-common
but then KDE shuts them off in favor of one of its selections.

I would appreciate any suggestions.

07-06-2004, 05:22 AM
update-alternatives --config x-cursor-theme

If you don't like any of those cursors or it doesn't work or.....

apt-get install big-cursor

restart your X server and/or your font server (if you use one).