View Full Version : A few different Knoppix problems

07-06-2004, 04:24 PM
I've been using Knoppix for a couple months now. I really like it over MS stuff; I have played with Linux a few years ago, but that was about it.

I have just in the last couple days been experiencing some "issues". Maybe someone can point me in the right direction

I'm running KNOPPIX-2004-05-10-EN, regular Linux Kernel 2.4. I boot via;
EXPERT home=scan myconf=scan OR
EXPERT home=/mnt/hdd1 myconf=scan

I say "N" to all questions

1/ Time is always wrong
- I set my root pwd so that I could change this to EDT and reflect the correct time and Zone but everytime I restart Knoppix the time is wrong. I will set the time, save cofig to /MNT/HDD1 and restart & the time is wrong.

2/ Sometimes when I install software, it disappears.
- I've downloaded and installed Limewire for Linux. I have in the past run it sucessfully. Lately it seems to want to disappear - so that I have to reinstall it everytime I start Knoppix. This didn't happen beofre. I also get an odd message that Limewire can use the directory I selected (/mnt/hd1a/dl) - I've even checked the properties and made sure read only is unchecked. I know this is a Limewire question, but it seems to be related to access under Knoppix.

3/ Sometimes I can't delete files. Sometimes I can.

4/ Some of the mirrors are asking me for a password and username.

One thing I did change was add a 2nd drive to my system for KNOPPIX to use, exclusively. It doesn't seem to report the correct amount of free space though (it had a bunch of stuff on it prior to me using if for KNOPPIX, but I figured the KNOPPIX format would remove all of it.

I also added a swap (128Mb) file on my Windows FAT32 C:\ drive

I don't see how either of these things should be affecting KNoppix, but they are things that are different than when I first started using Knoppix. No, I haven't tried just booting without home or myconf options at boot...I just might do that now.

One other question re: Saving config...which I do regularly after changes. When you select files on the desktop, what does that do? I select that just to be sure I'm saving all settings.

That should be a start, thanks for reading...


07-07-2004, 04:15 PM
1/ Time is always wrong
Using the newer version of 3.4 and the 2.6.6 Kernel seems to have this fixed.

2/ Sometimes when I install software, it disappears.
Well I didn't have to reinstall Limewire This TIme...

Just thought I'd update...