View Full Version : Installing programs on knoppix...

07-06-2004, 11:46 PM
Hello, I am new to knoppix and debian, can anybody tell me how the installation of programs works on knoppix... sorry debian?

07-07-2004, 02:32 AM
For now, take a look at http://www.knoppix.net/docs/index.php/InstallSoftwareHowTo?action=BackLinks

You may also want to look at Kpackage from the System menu. Also, you can investigate apt-get and dpkg utilizing the search box atop this page. Other areas of interest would be synaptics and apt-spy. You may also want to familiarize yourself with /etc/sources.list.

07-07-2004, 07:39 PM
Ok, I have installed KLIK and also AMULE, just to try it. Now what I have to do if I want to open them? I am completely new to linux... w$ has icons on the desktop and "programs" from start. How does it work on debian?

07-07-2004, 09:30 PM
Are you running live-CD or HD install?

What version and kernel of Knoppix?

If HD install, Knoppix-style? Beginner's? Debian style?

If older version, full install or poor man's?


If you are running live-CD, you need to set up a persistent home on a storage device (I use a partition of a hard drive - hdb5, in my case). If you don't, it will simply install to a ramdisk which will go away when you log off, and that's no good. Once you set up a persistent home, you can either install your apps there or Klik will do it for you. If you decide to make links to the wrappers and shell scripts on your desktop, you will also need to save your configuration on some storage drive, and click the appropriate box to save desktop icons (I use a USB thumbdrive to save the config - sda1, in my case). I have had mixed results if I put the config file in the persistent home, so I try to avoid that. So, in my case, I the following boot code: "knoppix26 home=/dev/hdb5 myconfig=/dev/sda1" Whatever storage devices you use, be sure to make them readable by right-clicking each drive icon -> properties -> 3rd tab (I think) -> uncheck read only -> OK. Oh, and the drill is that you boot knoppix, set up the persistent home, set up your environment (printer definitions, etc), save config, log off & restart, enter the cheatcode for PH and config, THEN install the apps to the PH. To set up PH and saved config, click the penguin icon on the toolbar -> Configure -> (see choices)

If you are running an HD install, depending on type, I would recommend going to the Debian website www.debian.org and reading their documentation. Their site has a lot of it, and what I have seen was written very, very well.



07-09-2004, 12:16 AM
I have hd install and begginer type installation.
Thank You for the web site I will check it as soon as I can.

07-12-2004, 12:25 PM
My experience with Knoppix and Linux is one week, mostly spent trying to keep the klik Realplayer install from going away after logouts.
I'm using 3.4 with Kernel 2.4.26.
I tried following j.drake's method above without success.
Do I need to format the partition for the PH?



07-12-2004, 12:39 PM
Forgot to say I'm running live CD.

