View Full Version : Need to put files somewhere

07-07-2004, 06:15 AM
I recently bought a new motherboard and processor and didn't really prepare for what I needed to do for the instalation. I have to reinstall windows, but I need to get some files off the hard drive. I can't use windows to move the files becuase it's not set up for the new hardware so I need to move files from that hard drive or burn them to a disk. I've never used knoppix, but i had a copy sitting around, so I was wondering if there was a burning utility on the standard knoppix installation. My other option is to move the files to my other hard drive, but for some reason I can't change the files on my HDDs at all. Anyone here know of a way I can save these files that won't take me for ever? Thanks.

07-07-2004, 02:38 PM
k3b is a CD-burner application (its on newer versions of Knoppix)

Linux does not write to NTFS filesystems. It can however, using captive-NTFS which is on the newest version of Knoppix. This is probably the trouble you are having. If the destination drive has a FAT32 partition, you should have no trouble copying files from one to the other.

You can resize and repartition hard drives using qtparted, but I';d avoid that in favor of cd-burning or coping the files directly.

Post specific error messages and perhaps we can tell you how to work around the problem.

07-07-2004, 04:27 PM
Don't forget to make your disks writable (right click, properties, 3rd tab - I think- , uncheck "read only"). It's a common mistake, and given your lack of familiarity with Knoppix, I wanted to warn you ahead of time. OTOH, please don't be offended if you already knew that.


07-07-2004, 07:03 PM
Thanks for the help you two I did have my drives as read only, but they are NTFS and I found K3b.

07-07-2004, 09:46 PM
You can still write to NTFS drives if you run Captive NTFS. The bad news is that the script in the menu has a bug that grinds my system to a halt on installation.

There have been some recent posts about how to work around that, if you want to. Sure, it will take time, but you'll make some back in not having to swap disks, and save money on media. Your choice.
