View Full Version : Remaster from hd install

07-11-2004, 03:19 AM
Is there a way I can install knoppix to hard drive, boot and customize it the way I want, then recompress it and make a custom live cd. I want to retain all the auto-configuring capabilities, add and remove packages, and create desktop shortcuts for most of the things I install.

07-11-2004, 04:27 AM
Sure. Just do a knoppix-type install.

07-12-2004, 03:44 AM
You can add stuff after your knoppix-type install, but just make sure that you remove enough stuff so that your remaster can be compressed to a size no larter than 700mb...unless your remaster will be going on a dvd.

07-13-2004, 08:40 AM
This sounds really useful. Can anyone please provide some details? When I create a compress file system, I do

# create the new compressed file
mkisofs -R -U -V "ParallelKnoppix" -P "pareto.uab.es/mcreel/ParallelKnoppix" -hide-rr-moved -cache-inodes -no-bak -pad $PARALLELKNOPPIXDIR/source/KNOPPIX | nice -5 /usr/bin/create_compressed_fs - 65536 > $PARALLELKNOPPIXDIR/master/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX

Just how would that need to be modified to compress the fs after a hd install? Would one just need to replace "$PARALLELKNOPPIXDIR/source/KNOPPIX" with "/" ?

Can /home be on a different partition than / ?

07-14-2004, 03:36 AM
This sounds really useful. Can anyone please provide some details? When I create a compress file system, I do

# create the new compressed file
mkisofs -R -U -V "ParallelKnoppix" -P "pareto.uab.es/mcreel/ParallelKnoppix" -hide-rr-moved -cache-inodes -no-bak -pad $PARALLELKNOPPIXDIR/source/KNOPPIX | nice -5 /usr/bin/create_compressed_fs - 65536 > $PARALLELKNOPPIXDIR/master/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX

Just how would that need to be modified to compress the fs after a hd install? Would one just need to replace "$PARALLELKNOPPIXDIR/source/KNOPPIX" with "/" ?


Can /home be on a different partition than / ?

I don't think so. Just make your remaster as normal, then set up a persistent home or home partition when it is to be used.
home/knoppix is usually deleted when remastering anyway & recreated from /etc/skel at next reboot.

I've been working on a HOW-TO for remastering from a HD install, guess I might as well post it now for feedback.