View Full Version : Installing software libraries (not using apt-get?)

07-12-2004, 09:37 PM

I am trying to install GAUL (genetic algorithms utility library), for the purposes of developing software for my hons thesis. I've managed to make all the libraries, I just need to get them into usr/lib. GAUL comes set up so that I should just be able to go make install, but this tells me that usr/lib is on a r/o file system, so I can't copy to it. How do I get usr/lib to not be read-only, or how can I install these libraries elsewhere and tell the system to look there?

(Or, am I on completely the wrong course? )


user unknown
07-13-2004, 01:17 AM
Are you running from cd?

If not, you have to run "make install" normally as root, because no one else has write-permissions to /usr/lib.

This should be mentioned in either 'README' or 'INSTALL' or both.