View Full Version : gtk+2.0 lib problem

07-13-2004, 09:45 AM
I am writing some stuff that uses GTK2.0. Unfortunetly, only GTK1.2 is installed on knoppix. What can I do to use GTK2.0? I'm a newbie, so please explain like I'm a mule.

07-15-2004, 01:49 PM
I'm trying to install a prog that requires Gtk2.0 and I can't get it to install for the life of me. At least, when I tried to compile the GTK source, it gave me all kinds of problems but I used dselect to install it and it says it worked (with dependencies) but still the prog I'm trying to install (Gaim) keeps saying that it can't find where GTK is. I'm trying to install version .79 of Gaim.

I'm a newbie also, but isn't it true that if Gaim 0.77 which came with Knoppix works, then 0.79 should work also? The requirements from .77 to .79 didn't change much.... :roll: Not that I can tell.

07-23-2004, 08:42 AM
As for Gaim .79

I got it running in my system. I had similar problem with you, error gtk
bla bla...
Actually the problem is not the gtk; gtk just a scape goat.
What I did was, when running ./configure i jot down all the dependencies error. Then I apt-get install all dependencies file one by one, run ./configure again....and walllllaaaaa.

07-23-2004, 11:34 AM
I just did a apt-get upgrade. Then i try some compiling which cannot be done before because of the QT thing. Amazingly it install successfull.

So....I recommend you to upgrade. After upgrade you need to edit some of you /etc/rc1.d.....rcS.d , because alot of them you don't need to run at boot time....slow down your system.
Before upgrade please write down what type of service is installed.