View Full Version : A lock on some files. No permission.

07-16-2004, 06:31 PM
When I try to edit my lilo.conf file I cant do it because I don't have permission. I was in it before and now I can't get into it. How do I unlock or give myself permission?

I tried su from root and it said no server connection. Something about X host. This error message comes up when at root.

kdesu kwrite lilo.conf

Error: Check if you have read access to this file. This error comes up when I try it with an editor.

07-17-2004, 04:19 PM
When I try to edit my lilo.conf file I cant do it because I don't have permission. I was in it before and now I can't get into it. How do I unlock or give myself permission?

I tried su from root and it said no server connection. Something about X host. This error message comes up when at root.

Had you taken your error and plugged it into the search field you would have found the answer. ;)

As user issue:

xhost local:

Then (as root of course) you need to install sux:

apt-get update && apt-get install sux

kdesu kwrite lilo.conf

Error: Check if you have read access to this file. This error comes up when I try it with an editor.

You can always use an editor that does not require X windows too like mc or nano.